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Top 106 pull-requests open source projects

A skeleton screen framework based on native for iOS. (一个由iOS原生组件映射出骨架屏的框架,包含快速植入,低耦合,兼容复杂视图等特点,提供国内主流骨架屏动画的加载方案,同时支持上拉加载更多、自定制动画。)
Code Review Checklist
This code review checklist helps you be a more effective and efficient code reviewer.
Make your first PR! ~ A beginner-friendly repository made specifically for open source beginners. Add your profile, a blog or any program under any language (it can be anything from a hello-world program to a complex data structure algorithm) or update the existing one. Just make sure to add the file under the correct directory. Happy hacking!
Programmers Community
This repository contains various solution of a problem in Ruby, C, C++, Python and Java.
Pull Review
✅ Assign pull request reviewers intelligently.
Pull Request Manager for Maintainers
Clippy Check
📎 GitHub Action for PR annotations with clippy warnings
Lock Threads
GitHub Action that locks closed issues and pull requests after a period of inactivity
A simple CLI tool that automates the process of backporting commits on a GitHub repo
Git Wiki Theme
A revolutionary full-featured wiki for github pages and jekyll. You don't need to compile it!
Pr Size Labeler
🏷 Visualize and optionally limit the size of your Pull Requests
Looks after your pull requests, tells you when they're live
Github Project Automation Plus
🤖 Automate GitHub Project cards with any webhook event
Git Pull Request
git command to automatically pull github pull requests into their own branch
Bounties for issues on demand. Be rewarded by learning, using Git workflow and continuous integration
Git Pull Request
Send git pull requests via command line
Testing Environments On Demand
Jni By Examples
🎇Fun Java JNI By Examples - with CMake and C++ (or C, of course!) ‼️ Accepting PRs
🎄 Giving back to open source for the holidays
A GitHub Action to automatically revert a commit on a '/revert' comment
Export Pull Requests
Export pull requests and/or issues to a CSV file. Supports GitHub, GitLab, and Bitbucket
Changelog Ci
Changelog CI is a GitHub Action that generates changelog, Then the changelog is committed and/or commented to the release Pull request.
Make your first Pull Request and earn a free tee from GitHub!
Repo Lockdown
GitHub Action that immediately closes and locks issues and pull requests
Detect anomalies in your GitHub/Gerrit projects
Atom Pull Requests
View/Edit comments on a Pull Request directly inside the Atom Editor
Github Review Filter
Chrome extension to filter files in GitHub code review using glob
Reviewbot is a Slack bot that shows reviewable pull requests.
Squashed Merge Message
Use Pull Request description as Squashed and Merged commit messages.
Gha Mjolnir
🔨 GitHub Action to close issues related to the merge of a pull request.
Probot Gpg
A GitHub App that enforces GPG signatures on pull requests (no longer maintained)
Contribute A Thon
Month-long Open Source contributing event ✨
Reduce maintainer fatigue by automating GitHub
🔮 A bot to automatically update and merge GitHub PRs
Refined Bitbucket
Chrome and Firefox extension that improves Bitbucket's user experience
Hacktoberfest 2020
Make this Hacktoberfest a learning period and contribute to Great Open Source Projects.
Git Pr Release
Release pull request generator
Github Bot
GitHub 自动处理 issue、PR、releases 机器人
Bee Stylish
🕶 Styleguides da moda (ou não)
Open source is changing the world. Join global community for the yearly celebration of open source software!
📦📊 GitHub Action to reports on the size of your npm package
Turn clang-tidy warnings and fixes to comments in your pull request
An extension for Azure DevOps that provides a better view of active Pull Requests in a project.
Reviewing 50+ Pull Requests a day is no fun. Automate it with keyboard shortcuts.
A GitHub Action that auto-updates pull requests branches, whenever changes are pushed to their destination branch.
For all the Flutter developers out there make your first Pull Request and earn a free Tee from GitHub!
⚠️ Pr. Police is deprecated and no longer supported ⚠️
A GitHub Action to get the head ref and sha of a pull request comment
A WIP CLI tool that manages stacked pull requests. Using stacked PRs is now (many small) pieces of cake
1-60 of 106 pull-requests projects