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Top 49 bluetooth-le open source projects

Esp32 Ble Mouse
Bluetooth LE Mouse library for the ESP32 (Arduino IDE compatible)
Node Ble
Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) library written with pure Node.js (no bindings) - baked by Bluez via DBus
Connect to and interact with Bluetooth LE peripherals.
Ble Hid Peripheral For Android
BLE HID over GATT Profile for Android
Cross-platform Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) library for Android, iOS, and UWP
Ruuvitag Sensor
Python library for communicating with RuuviTag BLE Sensor Beacon and for decoding sensor data from broadcasted data
Android terminal app for Bluetooth LE devices using custom serial profiles
Nimble Arduino
A fork of the NimBLE library structured for compilation with Ardruino, designed for use with ESP32.
Blocks Based Bluetooth LE Connectivity framework for iOS/watchOS/tvOS/OSX. Quickly configure centrals & peripherals, perform read/write operations, and respond characteristic updates.
Ble Security Attack Defence
✨ Purpose only! The dangers of Bluetooth Low Energy(BLE)implementations: Unveiling zero day vulnerabilities and security flaws in modern Bluetooth LE stacks.
A direct port of the Bleno bluetooth LE peripheral role library to Python2/3
Ble Starter Android
Companion project for the Punch Through blog post "The Ultimate Guide to Android Bluetooth Low Energy"
Metawear Sampleapp Android
Sample Android app showcasing the sensors available on the MetaMotion / MetaWear boards
Magiclight Controller
This simple demo application is controlling MagicLight's smart bulbs by bluetooth-le
Bluetooth Low Energy Led Matrix
Turns a Raspberry Pi 3 into a Bluetooth LE peripheral that controls an LED matrix.
Esp32 Ble Keyboard
Bluetooth LE Keyboard library for the ESP32 (Arduino IDE compatible)
Android Dfu Library
A library with DFU feature for Android 4.3+.
BLE (Bluetooth LE) for U🎁 Bleu is the best in the Bluetooth library.
Android Scanner Compat Library
A compat library for Bluetooth Low Energy scanning on Android.
Easy to use, cross platform, REACTIVE BluetoothLE Plugin for Xamarin
Ios Pods Dfu Library
OTA DFU Library for Mac and iOS, compatible with nRF5x SoCs
An Android Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) Library with RxJava2 interface
OTA DFU Library for Mac and iOS, compatible with nRF5x SoCs
Demo of reading Bluetooth Low Energy sensor measurements of RuuviTag environmental sensors and feeding them to MQTT, a database and dashboards
Bluetooth LE Lab - UWP application for interaction with BLE GATT devices
Rust API for Bluetooth Low Energy
Node util for controlling SOMA smart shade via MQTT or HTTP
MetaWear Java SDK - Android - Google - Android Studio
A Bluetooth to MQTT bridge for the Tenergy Solis Digital Meat Thermometer and other similar devices.
MetaWear Python SDK - Linux / Windows - Python3
Control your Apple TV from OS X Notification Center
Wireless USB Rubber Ducky triggered via BLE (make your Ubertooth quack!)
Flutter Companion App for PineTime Smart Watch (Android and iOS)
Python module containing bluetooth utility functions, in particular for easy BLE scanning and advertising
1-49 of 49 bluetooth-le projects