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Top 1035 dockerfile open source projects

Docker Syncthing
Syncthing as a docker image
✭ 88
Internet Speedtest Docker
Internet testing running on Docker Compose.
Builds Dockerfile using the Docker client (with squashing! and secrets!)
Android Avd
Headless Android x86 emulator ready for automated instrumentation testing.
Svn Docker
Lightweight Docker image to build a container running an SVN server
Tower Operator
DEPRECATED: This project was moved and renamed to:
[Docker] - The Mechanist is a collection of Dockerfiles and Composefiles for various tools and purposes.
Docker 1c Server
Сервер 1С:Предприятия в контейнере Docker
AinD: Android in Docker. Ain't an emulator.
✭ 1,267
Docker Unoconv Webservice
Dockerfile to run unoconv as a webservice
✭ 85
Docker Ionic
🎢 Docker image for Ionic (with Android & Cordova)
Iron Alpine
Hardened alpine linux baseimage for Docker.
Docker Apache Atlas
This Apache Atlas is built from the latest release source tarball and patched to be run in a Docker container.
Provide docker environment and examples for PyFlink
✭ 84
Docker Mycroft
Mycroft Development Environment inside Docker!
Docker Python Xvfb Selenium Chrome Firefox
Dockerfiles for Python 3.6/2.7 & Selenium in a headless Chrome or Firefox environment
Extra Php Extensions
Extra PHP extensions usable in AWS Lambda with the Bref PHP runtimes.
Docker Gc Cron
A Docker image that allows scheduled cleanup of unused Docker images, containers, and volumes.
Dockerfile Cloudflared
run the cloudflared proxy-dns on port 54 using the DNS over HTTPS feature from cloudflare.
✭ 81
Istio Hpa
Configure horizontal pod autoscaling with Istio metrics and Prometheus
Docker Containers
Source files required used to build the official openSUSE containers for Docker
✭ 80
Vulnerable Nginx
An intentionally vulnerable NGINX setup
✭ 80
Docker Symfony
Run a Symfony application using Docker & docker-compose
Docker Torbrowser
Anonymous web browsing courtesy of docker
✭ 78
Listrr creates and maintains lists on completely automated based on your filters.
Docker Compose Laravel
A docker-compose workflow for local Laravel development
✭ 1,191
Docker Alpine Python Machinelearning
Small Docker image with Python Machine Learning tools (~180MB)
Ssr Docker
Minimal Docker images: a collection of Dockerfiles illustrating how to reduce container image size.
Cabot Docker
Docker Images to build full cabot environment
Docker Rtorrent Rutorrent
rTorrent and ruTorrent Docker image based on Alpine Linux
Docker Oracle Xe 11g
Dockerfile of Oracle Database Express Edition 11g Release 2
✭ 1,190
Docker Ruby Node
🐳 Alpine Docker Image with latest versions of Ruby, Node.js and yarn installed. This Docker Image is actively maintained and updated regularly.
Alpine Strongswan Vpn
Dockerfile and related configuration for setting up a roadwarrior IKEv2-based VPN
Docker Openldap
Docker OpenLDAP Container w/TLS & Replication Support S6 Overlay, and Zabbix Monitoring based on Alpine
Hadoop Docker
Hadoop docker image
✭ 1,188
PowerCLI Core Dockerfile
✭ 73
Docker containers for OpenCog - Robot Operating System (ROS)
Alpine Erlang
An alpine image with Erlang installed, intended for releases
Docker Centos7 Ansible
CentOS 7 Docker container for Ansible playbook and role testing.
Docker Pxe
A virtualized implementation of PXE supported by DNSMasq
Docker Nuxt
Docker image to run NUXT.js application in production mode
A build flow tool for Docker.
Sas Container Recipes
A collection of recipes and other resources for building containers that include SAS Viya software.
Puppeteer Container
A GitHub Action / Docker image for Puppeteer, the Headless Chrome Node API
Aswf Docker
Common container configuration
✭ 72
Php Fpm
Docker container to install and run PHP-FPM
📦 Dockerfiles from WebDevOps for PHP, Apache and Nginx (with PHP5 and PHP7)
Azureml Containers
Docker containers for running training scripts on AzureML
✭ 71
Ca Certs Base Image
Minimal Docker base image with standard certificate authority root certificates
✭ 69
This repository contains all base Dockerfiles for Docker that I use, and are available at Docker registry.
✭ 69
361-420 of 1035 dockerfile projects