Mathai一个拍照做题程序。输入一张包含数学计算题的图片,输出识别出的数学计算式以及计算结果。This is a mathematic expression recognition project.
Deep Learning DrizzleDrench yourself in Deep Learning, Reinforcement Learning, Machine Learning, Computer Vision, and NLP by learning from these exciting lectures!!
Ta LibPython wrapper for TA-Lib (
scikit-maadOpen-source and modular toolbox for quantitative soundscape analysis in Python
ECoLExtended Complexity Library in R
Real-Time-Abnormal-Events-Detection-and-Tracking-in-Surveillance-SystemThe main abnormal behaviors that this project can detect are: Violence, covering camera, Choking, lying down, Running, Motion in restricted areas. It provides much flexibility by allowing users to choose the abnormal behaviors they want to be detected and keeps track of every abnormal event to be reviewed. We used three methods to detect abnorma…
face-recognitionA GPU-accelerated real-time face recognition system based on classical machine learning algorithms
MetaboverseVisualizing and Analyzing Metabolic Networks with Reaction Pattern Recognition
pyconvsegnetSemantic Segmentation PyTorch code for our paper: Pyramidal Convolution: Rethinking Convolutional Neural Networks for Visual Recognition (
vf3libVF3 Algorithm - The fastest algorithm to solve subgraph isomorphism on large and dense graphs
MomentToolboxMatlab code for the paper "A survey of orthogonal moments for image representation: Theory, implementation, and evaluation"
SigThe most powerful and customizable binary pattern scanner
AI booklet CE-AUTBooklet and exam of Artificial Intelligence Master Degree at Amirkabir University of technology.
calcipherCalculates the best possible answer for multiple-choice questions using techniques to maximize accuracy without any other outside resources or knowledge.
graphkit-learnA python package for graph kernels, graph edit distances, and graph pre-image problem.
Awesome-Human-Activity-RecognitionAn up-to-date & curated list of Awesome IMU-based Human Activity Recognition(Ubiquitous Computing) papers, methods & resources. Please note that most of the collections of researches are mainly based on IMU data.
compvInsanely fast Open Source Computer Vision library for ARM and x86 devices (Up to #50 times faster than OpenCV)
HigraHierarchical Graph Analysis