MapshaperTools for editing Shapefile, GeoJSON, TopoJSON and CSV files
AgstoshapefileConvert ArcGIS Server Dynamic Map Service to GeoJSON and Shapefile
AerialbotA simple yet highly configurable bot that tweets geotagged aerial imagery of a random location in the world.
TilerA no nonsense Vector Tile pipeline
Gis Dataset BrasilGeographic Information Systems (GIS) Dataset Brasil - Coleção de shapefiles, GeoJSON e TopoJSON prontas para uso
Pyearth🌐 A lightweight 3D visualization of the earth in 150 lines of Qt/OpenGL
MaupThe geospatial toolkit for redistricting data.
Crime AnalysisAssociation Rule Mining from Spatial Data for Crime Analysis
MagellanGeo Spatial Data Analytics on Spark
GeobrEasy access to official spatial data sets of Brazil in R and Python
BlendergisBlender addons to make the bridge between Blender and geographic data
Southkorea MapsSouth Korea administrative divisions in ESRI Shapefile, GeoJSON and TopoJSON formats.
FmmFast map matching, an open source framework in C++
Election GeodataPrecinct shapes (and vote results) for US elections past, present, and future
GeoConvertConverting between Geojson and GIS file formats
mapchinaR Package of Geospatial Shapefile of China Administrative Divisions to the County/District-Level.
georef-ar-apiAPI del Servicio de Normalización de Datos Geográficos de Argentina.
get-tigerMake workflow for downloading Census geodata and joining it to survey data
earthacrosstimeTwitter bot that posts videos showcasing how random locations in the world have changed since 1984.
BingMapsSDSToolkitThis toolkit makes it easy to use the Bing Maps Spatial Data Services (SDS) in .NET
pyGISS📡 A lightweight GIS Software in less than 100 lines of code
SHPReaderCSharpThis project is the operation description of shp file(include .shp .dbf ,shx). Some code was copied from other blog(
pyscissor✂️ calculate polygon mask for netCDF/GRIB/raster
pydriosmPyDriosm: an open-source tool for downloading, reading and PostgreSQL-based I/O of OpenStreetMap data