Top 511 bash open source projects

51. Kainstall
Use shell scripts to install kubernetes(k8s) high availability clusters and addon components based on kubeadmin with one click.使用shell脚本基于kubeadmin一键安装kubernetes 高可用集群和addon组件。
52. Gallery shell
📷 Bash Script to generate static responsive image web galleries.
53. Twf
Standalone tree view file explorer, inspired by fzf.
54. Bashhub Server
Private cloud shell history. Open source server for bashhub
55. Google Group Crawler
Get (almost) original messages from google group archives. Your data is yours.
56. Sway Launcher Desktop
TUI Application launcher with Desktop Entry support. Made for SwayWM, but runs anywhere
57. Wsl Guide
The Hitchhiker's Guide to Bash on Ubuntu on Windows!
58. Rfc
📄 Read RFCs from the command-line
59. Termuxarch
Experience the pleasure of the Linux command prompt in Android, Chromebook, Fire OS and Windows on smartphone, smartTV, tablet and wearable
60. Bunit
A unit testing framework for Shell scripts - namely Bash.
61. Gitmux
💻 Git in your tmux status bar
62. Bashsimplecurses
A simple curses library made in bash to draw terminal interfaces
63. Nfancurve
A small and lightweight POSIX script for using a custom fan curve in Linux for those with an Nvidia GPU.
64. Pre Commit
A collection of pre-commit hooks used by Gruntwork tools
65. Clerk
clerk - mpd client, based on rofi/fzf
66. Hackapk
An Advanced Tool For Complete Apk-Modding In Termux ...
67. Bash Coding Style
A Bash coding style
✭ 179
Twitter client written in simple Bash script
69. Shell
🍁 Centos运维常用工具
70. K1s
The world's simplest Kubernetes dashboard (50 lines of Bash code)
73. Universaljavaapplicationstub
universalJavaApplicationStub - an alternative Application launcher script for Java based macOS Apps that works with both Apple's and Oracle's PList format and supports the old Apple Java 6 as well as all the latest Oracle/OpenJDK/Adopt/Corretto JRE's/JDK's. Plus it supports drag&drop to the Dock icon 🎉
74. Dotfiles
🔩 Dotfiles for bash, zsh, tmux, emacs, vim, etc
75. Vesper
🍸Vesper - HTTP Framework for Bash Shell
76. Fake Terminal Website
A fully customizable terminal-like website template
78. Easywall
Web interface for easy use of the IPTables firewall on Linux systems written in Python3.
Automagically hide/show a window by its name when the cursor is within a defined region or you mouse over it.
80. Partyloud
A simple tool to generate fake web browsing and mitigate tracking
81. System Tar And Restore
Backup and Restore your system using tar or Transfer it with rsync
82. Torque
🚂 A TUI client for transmission written in pure bash.
83. Pe Linux
Linux Privilege Escalation Tool By WazeHell
Download a file or a folder easily. curl | bash -s $fileid
85. Netctl
Profile based systemd network management
86. Macos Downloader
Command line tool for downloading macOS installers and beta updates
87. Shell Scripting Tutorial
A complete begineers guide to learn shell scripting from scratch which includes Videos, Practice scenarios and project idea.
88. Linux Second Screen
Scripts to repurpose old android device as second monitor on linux
89. Git Scanner
A tool for bug hunting or pentesting for targeting websites that have open .git repositories available in public
90. Gh
Easily manage your local git repos
91. Promptless
🚀 A super fast and extremely minimal shell prompt.
92. Sudo
Order bash to do things by shouting.
93. R Macos Rtools
Scripts to build an **unofficial** Rtools-esq installer for the macOS R toolchain
94. Kube Fzf
Shell commands using kubectl and fzf for command-line fuzzy searching of Kubernetes Pods.
95. Shell Tricks
Simple bash tricks which make your life easier.
96. Chromecastize
Bash script to convert video files into Google Chromecast supported format.
97. Bash Parser
Parses bash into an AST
98. Pieman
Script for creating custom OS images for single-board computers
99. Nicy
❄️ a nice and icy zsh and bash prompt in Nim
100. Vue Command
A fully working, most feature-rich Vue.js terminal emulator
51-100 of 511 bash projects