Top 511 bash open source projects

301. Bash Ctx
Make working on multiple projects a breeze!
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302. Shell Examples
Little Bash shell scripting examples
304. Lftp4win
lftp for Windows - Windows task scheduler automation with push notifications via WinSCP custom commands.
305. Dotfiles
A set of .emacs, .bash, git and other configuration files
307. Bash Dev Tcp
collection of scripts using /dev/tcp
308. I Codecnes
i-Code CNES is a static code analysis tool to help developpers write code compliant with CNES coding rules.
309. K8s Utils
Kubernetes Utility / Helper Scripts
310. Goenv
🚙 Like pyenv and rbenv, but for Go.
311. Simple Sh Datascience
A collection of Bash scripts and Dockerfiles to install data science Tool, Lib and application
312. Video To Ascii
It is a simple python package to play videos in the terminal using characters as pixels
313. Wd
Use WebDriver from the command line
314. Termfunk
A lightweight framework to organize, access and execute your Python functions from the terminal.
315. Istyping...
📝 A simple Bash script to simulate "is typing..." in Telegram(desktop)
316. Plushu
Pluggable Shell User
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317. Cfhookbash
Cloudflare hook bash for dehydrated - DNS-01 Challenge Let's Encrypt
318. Argcomplete
Python and tab completion, better together.
319. Goat
POSIX-compliant shell movement boosting hack for real ninjas (aka `cd x` and `cd ...`)
320. Bake
Bake is a bash task runner
321. Bashmultitool
A library for bash shell program containing useful functions. Can be imported into scripts to create colourful and functional scripts and TUIs.
323. Docker Dev
Development tools for Docker
324. Dockerize
Substitua instruções de serviços por operações de contêineres
326. Connect2ssh
Manage SSH and SSHFS connections via the command line using BASH!
327. Scripting course
📓 A reference guide to Linux command line, Vim and Scripting
328. Dotfiles
Config files for bash, completions, atom, git, irb, rails, etc.
329. Dotfiles
My bash, tmux, and vim configs
331. Sketchdiff
💎 Generate visual differences between two Sketch files or a previous git commit
333. Scorphiles
💻 dotfiles, scripts, functions, hooks and whatnot
334. Gensum
Powerful checksum generator!
335. Lxd Functions
Simple script to mount LXD container and match host user with container user (uid/gid)
336. Aem Package Manager
A tool for managing AEM packages from the command line.
337. Sudomy
Sudomy is a subdomain enumeration tool to collect subdomains and analyzing domains performing automated reconnaissance (recon) for bug hunting / pentesting
338. Bashhub Client
☁️ Bash history in the cloud. Indexed and searchable.
339. Rcli
Rapidly create full-featured command line interfaces with help, subcommand dispatch, and validation.
340. Dockerized lara
Build your Laravel App with Redis - Mongodb - MariaDB - Nginx - php7 - zsh
341. Slack Cli
Powerful Slack CLI via pure bash. Rich messaging, uploads, posts, piping, oh my!
342. Ubuntu Setup
script to configure fresh ubuntu install, or to update existing install
343. Add Copyright
This is a Script to Automate adding the Copyright text to one or more source files Recursively.
344. Charlesscripts
My awesome scripts for Arch Linux or Ubuntu Gnome latest LTS or MacBook.
345. Bash
😎记录我写的bash shell
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346. Wsl Programs
A community powered list of programs that work (and those that don't) on the Windows subsystem for Linux
347. Eclipse Bash Editor
Bash editor plugin for eclipse
348. Shift
🎨 An instantly script to swift setup of window manager like: terminal, themes and panel that currently supports Openbox, Windowchef, Xfce4 / Xfwm4.
349. Debian Server
Complete Debian/Ubuntu Web Application Server Installation
301-350 of 511 bash projects