Top 221 cpp11 open source projects

51. Httpp
Micro http server and client written in C++
52. Behavior Tree
A lightweight library of Behavior Trees Library in C++.
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53. Gl
Header-only C++17 wrapper for OpenGL 4.6 Core Profile.
54. Qtpromise
Promises/A+ implementation for Qt/C++
55. Liteexchange
My programming lab : multithreaded order matching engine in C++11 using FIX for order entry for Linux/Windows , no 3rd party libraries
56. Docklike Plugin
A Dock-like Taskbar Plugin for XFCE
57. Variant
Eggs.Variant is a C++11/14/17 generic, type-safe, discriminated union.
58. Anytime
Anything to POSIXct or Date Converter
59. Webserver
A C++ Lightweight Web Server based on Linux epoll
60. Marian Dev
Fast Neural Machine Translation in C++ - development repository
61. Hfsm2
High-Performance Hierarchical Finite State Machine Framework
62. Notepanda
📃 A simple cross-platform notepad. Based on Qt and C++.
63. Dukglue
A C++ binding/wrapper library for the Duktape JavaScript interpreter.
64. Threadboat
Program Uses Thread Execution Hijacking To Inject Native Shell-code Into a Standard Win32 Application
66. Cpp Tour
C++ Introductory Tour. Click here to take the tour:
67. Jankdrone
The jankest autonomous drone ever built and programmed from scratch
68. Cpp11
cpp11 is a header-only R package that helps R package developers handle R objects with C++ code.
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69. Wwiv
WWIV BBS Software v5
70. Rocket
rocket - Fast single header signal/slots library for C++
72. Lvglbuilder
GUI Builder for littlevgl.
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73. Cmu 15 445
74. Retro8
PICO-8 implementation with SDL2 and RetroArch back-ends
75. Synca
Synchronous asynchrony using coroutines
76. Tortellini
A really stupid INI file format for C++11
77. Cpp Bredis
Boost::ASIO low-level redis client (connector)
78. Cpi
Tiny c++ interpreter
79. Caches
LRU, LFU, FIFO cache C++ implementations
80. Slib
SLib - A universal, efficient, light-weight framework for building cross-platform applications on Android/iOS/macOS/Tizen/Win32/Linux platforms, developed by SLIBIO. Based on C++, provides desktop/mobile widgets, OpenGL rendering and networking solutions.
81. Ccompiler
c语言编译器,用 lex 和 yacc 工具完成词法分析与语法分析并生成语法树,C++实现了语 法树的解析并生成中间代码,生成中间代码的过程中实现了错误检测。C++实 现了中间代码的优化操作。之后利用 python 对中间代码进行处理并生成 mips 汇编码并且可以成功在 PCSpim(mips 模拟器)上运行。
82. Programoptions.hxx
Single-header program options parsing library for C++11
83. Scope guard
A modern C++ scope guard that is easy to use but hard to misuse.
84. Sh3redux
SILENT HILL 3 Engine Remake in OpenGL and C++
85. Cppinsights
C++ Insights - See your source code with the eyes of a compiler
86. Tastylib
C++ implementations of data structures, algorithms, and system designs.
87. Ppconsul
C++ client for Consul (
88. Capture Thread
Lock-free framework for loggers, tracers, and mockers in multithreaded C++ programs.
89. Wslbridge2
Explore various ways to connect Windows Subsystem for Linux with Windows terminal emulators.
90. Mpl11
Enjoy template metaprogramming
91. Csv Parser
Fast, header-only, extensively tested, C++11 CSV parser
92. Cpp Linenoise
A single file multi-platform (Unix, Windows) C++ header-only linenoise-based readline library.
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93. Pegtl
Parsing Expression Grammar Template Library
94. Ring Span Lite
ring-span lite - A C++yy-like ring_span type for C++98, C++11 and later in a single-file header-only library
95. Libcrtc
WebRTC C++ library built on top of chromium webrtc.
96. Feral
Feral programming language reference implementation
100. Simcc
A simple C++ common base library used in Qihoo 360
✭ 85
51-100 of 221 cpp11 projects