Radwimps君の then-then-then 世は Promise で Future
Dsl.scalaA framework to create embedded Domain-Specific Languages in Scala
Fluture🦋 Fantasy Land compliant (monadic) alternative to Promises
FushareA utility for fundamentals data of China commodity futures
Future.apply🚀 R package: future.apply - Apply Function to Elements in Parallel using Futures
PromisePromise / Future library for Go
AsyncninjaA complete set of primitives for concurrency and reactive programming on Swift
QtpromisePromises/A+ implementation for Qt/C++
TypedThe TypeScript Standard Library
BtctradingTime Series Forecast with Bitcoin value, to detect upward/down trends with Machine Learning Algorithms
Wp Missed ScheduleFind only missed schedule posts, every 15 minutes, and republish correctly 10 items each session. The Original plugin (only this) no longer available on WordPress.org for explicit author request! Compatible with WP 2.1+ to 4.9+ and 5.0-beta3 (100.000+ installs 300.000+ downloads 2016-04-13) Please: do not install unauthorized malware cloned forked!
GollbackGo asynchronous simple function utilities, for managing execution of closures and callbacks
Vngogolang version of vn.py
Then🎬 Tame async code with battle-tested promises
MinifutureA monadic Future design pattern implementation in Swift
PosterusComposable async primitives with cancelation, control over scheduling, and coroutines. Superior replacement for JS Promises.
Fun TaskAbstraction for managing asynchronous code in JS
AnanasA C++11 RPC framework based on future and protobuf, with utility: timer,ssl,future/promise,log,coroutine,etc
Always Learning404 Not Found的知识库:计算机理论基础、计算机技术基础、底层研究、安全技术、安全研究、人工智能、企业安全建设、安全发展、职业规划、综合素质、国内外优秀技术人
Retrybecause you should never give up, at least not on the first try
FutureStreamlined Future<Value, Error> implementation
asynqroFutures and thread pool for C++ (with optional Qt support)
PromisesIt's just another Promise library...
threadpoolGolang simple thread pool implementation
fa library to write async vert.x code similar as using java syntax
asyncSynchronization and asynchronous computation package for Go
YACLibYet Another Concurrency Library
effect-jsJavaScript Library to access and develop dApps on Effect Network.