Top 221 cpp11 open source projects

101. Fury3d
A simple but modern graphic engine
102. Php Pinyin
A PHP extension converting Chinese characters to Pinyin
103. Enduro2d
Yet another 2d game engine of dreams (work in progress)
104. Strict Variant
A realtime/embedded-friendly C++11 variant type which is never empty and prevents undesirable implicit conversions
105. Ring Buffer
simple C++11 ring buffer implementation, allocated and evaluated at compile time
106. Scrapengine
A very simple real-time Vulkan 3D game engine
107. Hana
Your standard library for metaprogramming
109. Cuda Design Patterns
Some CUDA design patterns and a bit of template magic for CUDA
110. Cppcon2015
Repository for the slides and the code of my CppCon 2015 talks.
111. Urmem
[x86] Simple C++11 header-only cross-platform memhack library (hooks, patches, pointers, sig scan)
113. Bde
Basic Development Environment - a set of foundational C++ libraries used at Bloomberg.
✭ 1,201
116. Dorothy Ssr
Dorothy Project, Special Super Rare Edition.
117. Ssf
Secure Socket Funneling - Network tool and toolkit - TCP and UDP port forwarding, SOCKS proxy, remote shell, standalone and cross platform
118. Physunits Ct Cpp11
A small C++11, C++14 header-only library for compile-time dimensional analysis and unit/quantity manipulation and conversion
119. Sycl Dnn
SYCL-DNN is a library implementing neural network algorithms written using SYCL
121. Pocket Tensor
Run Keras models from a C++ application on embedded devices
122. Ginseng
C++ REPL Tool Builder
123. Pocketcpp
Compile C++11 / C++14 / C++17 / C++20 snippets with Notepad++ and MinGW/gcc 9.2.0
125. Clang Blueprint
🏰 Example C++11 CMake project that incorporates awesome Clang tooling 🐉
127. Mio
Cross-platform C++11 header-only library for memory mapped file IO
128. Pcsgolh
PCSGOLH - Pointless Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Lua Hooks. A open-source Lua API for CS:GO hacking written in modern C++
129. Expected Dark
Expected objects for C++11 and later (and later perhaps C++98 )
130. Rang
A Minimal, Header only Modern c++ library for terminal goodies 💄✨
131. Cmake Cookbook
CMake Cookbook recipes.
132. Cpp Cheatsheet
Modern C++ Cheatsheet
133. Cpp houjie
134. Tm
Single-file libraries for C/C++ in public domain
135. Nonstd Lite
Parent of *-lite repositories, a migration path to post-C++11 features for pre-C++11 environments
136. Stdex
std C++ 11 library impementation with extra features using only C++ 98 and POSIX threads
137. Shaderworkshop
Interactive GLSL fragment shaders editor made with Qt
140. Rcppexamples
Examples of using Rcpp to interface R and C++
141. Cppcon2020
Slides and other materials from CppCon 2020
142. Ophidian
Ophidian's Mirror Repository on github.
143. Termdb
Terminfo parser for modern c++ 📠
144. Cub
Cooperative primitives for CUDA C++.
145. Phpython
PHPython: An extension to eval python3 codes in PHP
146. Q3dobserver
Multi-platform C++11 library based on Qt for creating 3D viewer widgets
148. Cpp redis
C++11 Lightweight Redis client: async, thread-safe, no dependency, pipelining, multi-platform - NO LONGER MAINTAINED - Please check
149. Stackext
Header-only C++ library for working with an extended stack
150. Stm32cclib
STM32 C++ Library and HAL
101-150 of 221 cpp11 projects