Linphone DesktopLinphone is a free VoIP and video softphone based on the SIP protocol. Mirror of git://
Webrtc To SipSetup for a WEBRTC client and Kamailio server to call SIP clients
Tg2sipTelegram <-> SIP voice gateway
StunA Go implementation of STUN
Restcomm Android SdkAndroid Mobile SDK to easily integrate communication features (WebRTC, messaging, presence, voice, video, screensharing) based on RestComm into native Mobile Applications
IvozproviderIVOZ Provider - Multitenant solution for VoIP telephony providers
SipptsSet of tools to audit SIP based VoIP Systems
Captagent100% Open-Source Packet Capture Agent for HEP
KamailioKamailio - The Open Source SIP Server for large VoIP and real-time communication platforms -
VsauditVOIP Security Audit Framework
Browser PhoneA fully featured browser based WebRTC SIP phone for Asterisk
Sip.jsA simple, intuitive, and powerful JavaScript signaling library
AiosipSIP support for AsyncIO (DEPRECATED)
FreeswitchFreeSWITCH is a Software Defined Telecom Stack enabling the digital transformation from proprietary telecom switches to a versatile software implementation that runs on any commodity hardware. From a Raspberry PI to a multi-core server, FreeSWITCH can unlock the telecommunications potential of any device.
SippingPython SIP Packet forging tool mirror for flexisip (git://
PadePàdé (Yoruba word for Meet) is a browser extension (Chrome/Edge) based unified communications desktop client for Openfire.
Giggle📞 Giggle Jingle library for XMPP, implementation of XEP-0166.
AstiveMedia controller for Asterisk PBX (FastAGI Server)
Vialer JsPluggable WebRTC softphone and communication platform.
MtsProject of Multi-protocol Test Tool opensourced by Ericsson
HomerHOMER - 100% Open-Source SIP / VoIP Packet Capture & Monitoring
BaresipBaresip is a modular SIP User-Agent with audio and video support
RoutrRoutr: Next-generation SIP Server
Linphone mirror for linphone-android (
SngrepNcurses SIP Messages flow viewer
SipviciousSIPVicious OSS is a set of security tools that can be used to audit SIP based VoIP systems.
EjabberdRobust, Ubiquitous and Massively Scalable Messaging Platform (XMPP, MQTT, SIP Server)
Linphone IphoneLinphone is a free VoIP and video softphone based on the SIP protocol. Mirror of linphone-iphone (git://
SipsorceryA WebRTC, SIP and VoIP library for C# and .NET Core. Designed for real-time communications apps.
ReGeneric library for real-time communications with async IO support
Docker FreepbxDockerized FreePBX 15 w/Asterisk 17, Seperate MySQL Database support, and Data Persistence and UCP
JitsiJitsi is an audio/video and chat communicator that supports protocols such as SIP, XMPP/Jabber, IRC and many other useful features.
RtpproxyThe RTPproxy is a high-performance software proxy for RTP streams that can work together with Sippy B2BUA, Kamailio, OpenSIPS and SER.
Soup☎️ Original open source call flooder using Twilio's API.
Mr.sipSIP-Based Audit and Attack Tool mirror for linphone-xamarin (git://
sbcOSBarebone Opensource Powered SBC
visual-ts-game-engineTypescript project based on matter.ts implementation."This version 2 of visualjs game engine, totally different approach. Whole project is based fully dependency build. Main file is app.ts and ioc.ts. Class ioc saves singleton instances also bind. In this project html and css is also present, webpack helps and handle this type of files. GamePlay…
kamailioexamplesconfigurations for voip solution architectures and usecases involving SIP servers
sdpA Go implementation of the SDP
ciscoaxlPython SDK for Cisco CUCM AXL API