Top 70 declarative open source projects

51. Valley
Extensible schema validations and declarative syntax helpers in Python.
52. Swiftui
A collaborative list of awesome SwiftUI resources. Feel free to contribute!
53. Qmlweb
A QML engine in a web browser. Current state: fixing things…
54. Opencypher
Specification of the Cypher property graph query language
55. Blueprint
Declarative UI construction for iOS, written in Swift
56. Stateview
UIViews that update themselves when your data changes, like React.
57. Zerocode
A community-developed, free, open source, microservices API automation and load testing framework built using JUnit core runners for Http REST, SOAP, Security, Database, Kafka and much more. Zerocode Open Source enables you to create, change, orchestrate and maintain your automated test cases declaratively with absolute ease.
58. Swift Request
Declarative HTTP networking, designed for SwiftUI
59. Formik Antd
Simple declarative bindings for Ant Design and Formik.
60. Flow
Declarative approach to populate and manage UITableViews (see
61. Plaitpy - a fake data modeler
62. Walkable
A Clojure(script) SQL library for building APIs: Datomic® (GraphQL-ish) pull syntax, data driven configuration, dynamic filtering with relations in mind
63. Bem React
A set of tools for developing user interfaces using the BEM methodology in React
64. Bento
Swift library for building component-based interfaces on top of UITableView and UICollectionView 🍱
65. Graphaello
A Tool for Writing Declarative, Type-Safe and Data-Driven Applications in SwiftUI using GraphQL
67. Automigrate
version your SQL schemas with git + automatically migrate them
68. Virtual Audio Graph
🎶 Library for declaratively manipulating the Web Audio API
70. Odi
🌪🌌 Opinionated, Declarative, Idiomatic framework for building scalable, supportable and reliable enterprise applications.
51-70 of 70 declarative projects