AntizerClojureScript library for Ant Design React UI components
React Ant(基于pro 2.0)基于Ant Design Pro 的 (多标签页tabs、拖拽、富文本、拾色器、多功能table、多选Select)
Virtual List🧾 React Virtual List Component which worked with animation
Ant Design Vue🌈 An enterprise-class UI components based on Ant Design and Vue. 🐜
Next Blog基于react(ssr)服务端框架next.js和antd-design搭建的个人博客
Nobibi一款基于Next.js+mongo的轻量级开源社区(open community by Next.js & mongo)
Eth Hot WalletEthereum wallet with erc20 support / web wallet - built using react, web3, eth-lightwallet
Alldemo🍑 2020全栈学习Demo大合集 包含最新 hooks TS 等 还有umi+dva,数据可视化等实战项目 (持续更新中)
React Ui RoundupA one-stop-shop for comparing the features of all the best React frameworks. Useful for designers and engineers alike!
Bear Admin一個簡潔的 antd-react-admin 應用。a clean antd-react-admin application
Antd Scss Theme PluginA Webpack plugin for customizing Ant Design with an SCSS theme file and using Ant Design's compiled variables in SCSS files throughout your project.
Dynamic Antd Theme🌈 A simple plugin to dynamic change ant-design theme whether less or css.
Fc Angular快速搭建angular后台管理系统的admin template。Fast development platform based on angular8, built multi-tab page background management system (continuous upgrade) ^_^
Easyfuna project using react antd webpack es6
React Admin基于antd、redux-observable、redux-thunk、react-router响应式SPA脚手架,后台管理系统demo. 权限管理,用户管理,菜单管理。无限级菜单,下拉树形选择框
Antd Schema FormBased on Ant Design, interactive forms can be generated through JSON Schema configuration. - 基于Ant Design,可以通过JSON Schema配置生成可交互的表单。
Reactjs Cognito StarterStarter project for ReactJS + Amazon Cognito + Amazon Amplify Framework with AWS CDK support
Little A Dashboarda material-design dashboard build upon reactjs, ant design, dva.js. 基于 react.js, ant design, dva.js 开发的类 material 风格的 dashboard。
Prime✨Open Source GraphQL CMS
Gank🦅 Gank api base △ next.js (react&ssr)
Antd Data TableA component that combines antd's Table and Form to do the search, display, and operating jobs for data.
Next TerminalNext Terminal是一个轻量级堡垒机系统,易安装,易使用,支持RDP、SSH、VNC、Telnet、Kubernetes协议。
Antdfrontusing next generation data manager and hook、pure function component 、webpack to build antd design pro microfrontend project without umi, cra,dva or rematch
AntvAnt Design of Vue.js 2.0
Scm Biz Suite供应链中台系统基础版,集成零售管理, 电子商务, 供应链管理, 财务管理, 车队管理, 仓库管理, 人员管理, 产品管理, 订单管理, 会员管理, 连锁店管理, 加盟管理, 前端React/Ant Design, 后端Java Spring+自有开源框架,全面支持MySQL, PostgreSQL, 全面支持国产数据库南大通用GBase 8s,通过REST接口调用,前后端完全分离。