Top 184062 javascript open source projects

1001. Fgallery
a modern, minimalist javascript photo gallery
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1002. Node Twitter
Twitter clone with node.js
1003. Reactjs Realtime Chat
ReactJS and Socket.IO Chat Application
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1004. Trello Cli
Command line client for Trello
1005. D3 Slider
D3.js slider
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1006. Hottowel Angular
HotTowel with Angular (for NuGet)
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1008. Node Spinner
A simple spinner for node cli
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1009. Gulp Csso
Minify CSS with CSSO.
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1010. Videojs Wavesurfer
video.js plugin that adds a navigable waveform for audio and video files
1011. Github Issues Viewer
A gitub issues viewer build in react + backbone
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1012. Gulp Strip Debug
Strip console, alert, and debugger statements from JavaScript code
1013. Breathing Halftone
Images go whoa with lots of floaty dots
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1014. Time Require
Displays the execution time for Node.js modules loading by hooking require() calls
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1015. Atom Build
🔨 Build your project directly from the Atom editor
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1016. Generator Ng Poly
Yeoman generator for modular AngularJS apps with Gulp and optional Polymer support
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1017. Nunchuck
📲 multi-device hardware data synchronization for mobile browsers
1018. Jii
Full-Stack JavaScript Framework architecture based on PHP Yii Framework v2
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1019. Skiff
Raft Consensus for Node.js, backed by LevelDB
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1020. Atomus
A small utility library for running client-side tests in Node.js environment
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1021. Iobroker.vis
Visualisation for ioBroker platform.
1022. React Native Progress Bar
An animated progress bar for React Native
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1023. Fast Js
😍 Writing Fast JavaScript
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1024. Loose Envify
Like envify but much faster
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1025. Hackide
hackIDE is an online code editor, compiler and interpreter based on Django, powered by HackerEarth API! Go, hack it!
1026. React Howler
A React.js wrapper for howler.js (audio player)
1027. Node Smb Server
A 100% JavaScript implementation of the SMB file sharing protocol.
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1028. Fetch It
An enhanced HTTP client based on fetch.
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1029. Markup It
JavaScript library to parse and serialize markup content (Markdown and HTML)
1030. Fast Safe Stringify
Safely and quickly serialize JavaScript objects
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1031. Etheratom
Solidity compilation and Ethereum contract execution interface for hackable atom editor
1033. Alfred Jira
Alfred 3 (or Alfred 2) workflow for interacting with JIRA.
1034. Generatepicture
Select the page content generated picture.仿简书选取页面内容生成分享图片。
1035. Express Basic Auth
Plug & play basic auth middleware for express
1036. Link Preview Js
Parse and/or extract web links meta information: title, description, images, videos, etc. [via OpenGraph], runs on mobiles and node.
1037. Fuck Youtube
📹 A browser extension that allows the user to watch YouTube videos that are blocked.
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1038. Aws Data Lake Solution
A deployable reference implementation intended to address pain points around conceptualizing data lake architectures that automatically configures the core AWS services necessary to easily tag, search, share, and govern specific subsets of data across a business or with other external businesses.
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1039. Boundless
✨ accessible, battle-tested React components with infinite composability
1040. Emoji Selector For Gnome
This extension provide a popup menu with some emojis ; clicking on an emoji copies it to the clipboard.
1041. Serverless Prune Plugin
Serverless plugin to reap unused versions of deployed functions from AWS
1044. Refunk
🎧 Simple React functional setState
1045. React
Material UI version of, the biggest Node.js Chinese community.
1046. Flink Doc Zh
Apache Flink 中文文档
1047. Tailwindcss Aspect Ratio
Aspect Ratio Plugin for tailwindcss framework
1048. Django Rest Framework Datatables
Seamless integration between Django REST framework and Datatables.
1049. Easygraphql Tester
Test GraphQL queries, mutations and schemas on an easy way! 🚀
1050. Carbon Website Archive
The old website for the Carbon Design System. This repo is archived.
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1001-1050 of 184062 javascript projects