Top 7636 r open source projects

151. Ggeasy
ggplot2 shortcuts (transformations made easy)
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152. Ggcharts
Get You to Your Desired Plot Faster
155. Laurae
Advanced High Performance Data Science Toolbox for R by Laurae
156. Estadistica Con R
Apuntes personales sobre estadística, machine learning y lenguaje de programación R
157. Zeallot
Variable assignment with zeal! (or multiple, unpacking, and destructuring assignment in R)
158. Shinystudio
A fully Dockerized, self-hosted development environment for teams. Develop where you serve.
159. Fiery
A flexible and lightweight web server
160. Spacyr
R wrapper to spaCy NLP
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162. Resist oped
🕵🏽‍♀️ Identifying the author behind New York Time’s op-ed from inside the Trump White House.
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163. Vctrs
Generic programming with typed R vectors
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164. Style
The tidyverse style guide for R code
165. Rstatix
Pipe-friendly Framework for Basic Statistical Tests in R
✭ 202
166. Osmdata
R package for downloading OpenStreetMap data
167. Gapminder
Excerpt from the Gapminder data, as an R data package and in plain text delimited form
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168. Topicmodels learning
A repository of learning & R resources related to topic models
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169. Healthcareai R
R tools for healthcare machine learning
170. Achoo
Achoo uses a Raspberry Pi to predict if my son will need his inhaler on any given day using weather, pollen, and air quality data. If the prediction for a given day is above a specified threshold, the Pi will email his school nurse, and myself, notifying her that he may need preemptive treatment. Community-sourced health monitoring!
171. Taganomaly
Anomaly detection analysis and labeling tool, specifically for multiple time series (one time series per category)
172. Leafgl
R package for fast web gl rendering for leaflet
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174. Progressr
三 R package: An Inclusive, Unifying API for Progress Updates
175. Ggdist
Visualizations of distributions and uncertainty
176. Lookup
Lookup R full function definitions, including compiled code, S3 and S4 methods.
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177. Ompr
R package to model Mixed Integer Linear Programs
178. Bookdownplus
The easiest way to use R package bookdown for writing varied types of books and documents
179. Wechatscope
180. Teachingdemos
Bioinformatics related demos and tutorials using the R programming language
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181. Fgsea
Fast Gene Set Enrichment Analysis
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182. Insight
🔮 Easy access to model information for various model objects
183. Intro Stats
Shiny apps for introductory statistics
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184. Emogg
📈😻 Emoji in ggplot2 😻📈
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185. Python Glmnet
A python port of the glmnet package for fitting generalized linear models via penalized maximum likelihood.
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186. Data Science In Education
Repository for 'Data Science in Education Using R' by Emily A. Bovee, Ryan A. Estrellado, Jesse Mostipak, Joshua M. Rosenberg, and Isabella C. Velásquez to be published by Routledge in 2020
187. Bench
High Precision Timing of R Expressions
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188. Climate Change Data
🌍 A curated list of APIs, open data and ML/AI projects on climate change
189. Sqldf
Perform SQL Selects on R Data Frames
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190. Enhancedvolcano
Publication-ready volcano plots with enhanced colouring and labeling
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192. Inspectdf
🛠️ 📊 Tools for Exploring and Comparing Data Frames
193. Thematic
Theme ggplot2, lattice, and base graphics based on a few simple settings.
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194. Reshape
An R package to flexible rearrange, reshape and aggregate data
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195. Send Email With R
How to send a bunch of email from R
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196. Callr
Call R from R
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197. Tesseract
Bindings to Tesseract OCR engine for R
198. Scrna Tools
Table of software for the analysis of single-cell RNA-seq data.
199. Leaflet.extras
Extra functionality for leaflet R package.
200. Datasaurus
R Package 📦 Containing the Datasaurus Dozen datasets 📊