Recently analyzed open source projects

franz (scrogson)
A Kafka client library for Erlang/Elixir based on librdkafka implemented as a safe Rust NIF.
SCI-Solver_FEM (SCIInstitute)
SCI-Solver_FEM is a C++/CUDA library written to solve an FEM linear system. It is designed to solve the FEM system quickly by using GPU hardware.
wpu-vcard-design (sandhikagalih)
VCard Design with Bootstrap 4 for NGOBAR Episode 13
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Part-DB (sandboxgangster)
Electronic Parts Database
board-games-app (sampathweb)
Board Games App using Tornado and Websockets (
psdfonts (sammdec)
A small app that takes the hassle out of finding all the fonts in a .psd
netfilter-lua (sam-github)
lua bindings for netfilter (nfq for libnetfilter_queue and nfct for libnetfilter_conntrack)
petyr (safwankdb)
Affine Tranformation and Homography library for Python
Substation Alpha suBtitles REnderer -- A Gpu Accelerated Javascript Advanced SubStation (ASS) Alpha Subtitles Renderer. Renders .ass and .ssa files.
chlonium (rxwx)
Chromium Cookie import / export tool
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num-integer (rust-num)
Integer trait and functions for Rust
nova-profile-tool (runlinenl)
This package adds a tool for Laravel nova to let a user manage their profile data
racket-examples (ruliana)
Examples of the nice parts of Racket
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DistributionLoss (ruizhoud)
Source code for paper "Regularizing Activation Distribution for Training Binarized Deep Networks"
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validates_lengths_from_database (rubiety)
Introspects your database string field maximum lengths and automatically defines length validations.
✭ 83
guzzle-log-middleware (rtheunissen)
Guzzle 6 middleware used to log requests and responses
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rutorrent-docker (romancin)
A repository for creating a docker container including rtorrent with rutorrent interface.
ols-fwloader (robots)
Bootloader tool for OLS
types (roblox-ts)
TypeScript typings for the Roblox platform. Partially handwritten and partially automatically generated.
react-native-expo-examples (robinhuy)
Learn React Native (Expo CLI) by examples.
URLRequest-AWS (robb)
An extension on URLRequest to sign it for AWS.
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puppet-reference (rnelson0)
Reference modules for puppet best practices and patterns.
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hetzner-api (rmoriz)
A wrapper for's server management API
Birthdroid (rigid)
Simple, ad free & open android birthday app/widget
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Reformer-pytorch (Rick-McCoy)
Implements Reformer: The Efficient Transformer in pytorch.
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SCFilterGenerator (rFlex)
A Filter generator for GPUImage. Use the UI for creating your own filter easily and generate the GPUImageFilter Objective-C class.
busybee (rescrv)
BusyBee is a high-performance messaging layer
ReP_AL-3D-Lawn-Mower (REPALphilread)
Code and Other for the ReP_AL Lawn Mower
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android-gallery (redmadrobot-spb)
Simple and standard android gallery.
✭ 66
agreed-ui (recruit-tech)
No description, website, or topics provided.
busybox-w32 (realthunder)
Win32 native port for Busybox (latest build can bw found in the below link)
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reactor-core-js (reactor-attic)
The Reactive-Streams based implementation of Reactor-Core in Javascript
SuperCMD (Raymai97)
Run program as SYSTEM, with TrustedInstaller token if desired
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C# (RatkoR) driver for Laravel
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vue-error-page (raniesantos)
[NO LONGER MAINTAINED] Provides a wrapper for router-view that allows you to show error pages without changing the URL.
hypercore-fetch (RangerMauve)
Implementation of Fetch that uses the Hyper SDK for loading p2p content
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securesocial-slick-bootstrap3-sample (raisercostin)
A sample starting application with securesocial slick using h2 file database integrated with bootstrap3
marcel (rails)
Find the mime type of files, examining file, filename and declared type
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acts_as_voteable (railsant)
The Acts As Voteable plugin allows for model to be voted on by users.
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excel-to-json-in-Node.js (rahil471)
No description, website, or topics provided.
swift-framework-example (RadiusNetworks)
How to create a framework using Swift as well as consume it from Swift and Objective C
Web-Security-Learning (R0B1NL1N)
✭ 15
HTML (qustavo)
Loads environment variables from `.env` in your shell
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douyin-sign (QuincyC379)
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springsoucecode (qiurunze123)
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state-machine-testing-course (qfpl)
Course for learning how to apply property-based state-machine testing
benchy (python-recsys)
A benchmark framework for testing algorithms and pairwise metrics.
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py-pkgs-cookiecutter (py-pkgs)
Cookiecutter template for Python packages
codegrid-markdown (pxgrid)
CodeGrid-specified markdown processor.
Fluid2d (pvthinker)
A versatile Python-Fortran CFD code that solves a large class of 2D flows
wat-collection (puffnfresh)
Collection of "wat" moments in various languages
awesome-collaboration (pubuzhixing8)
Collaborative editing of technical resources, article translation
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Genome2D-Core (pshtif)
Genome2D High Level Core
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prowler (prowler-cloud)
Prowler is an Open Source Security tool for AWS, Azure and GCP to perform Cloud Security best practices assessments, audits, incident response, compliance, continuous monitoring, hardening and forensics readiness. It contains hundreds of controls covering CIS, PCI-DSS, ISO27001, GDPR, HIPAA, FFIEC, SOC2, AWS FTR, ENS and custom security frameworks.
streaming-data-platform (provectus)
No description, website, or topics provided.
p50em (prirun)
Prime 50-Series Emulator
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prestafony-project (PrestaShop)
Some resources to help you migrate PrestaShop to Symfony 3
teamcity-matrix-build-plugin (presidentio)
Helps to run the same build with different combinations of parameters
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tex2ipy (prabhuramachandran)
Convert LaTeX beamer files to Jupyter/IPython notebooks and RISE
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ReactiveCocoaPractise (postponement)
portal-network-browser-extension (PortalNetwork)
🕳️🌐🔌 Portal Network Browser Extension, enables browsing IPFS website by using Ethereum Name Service and Ethereum Classic Name Service.
livevalidation (porras)
Client-side validations for Ruby on Rails (using javascript library
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canto (pombase)
The PomBase community curation tool
app-storage (PolymerElements)
Data-pipes and specialized services
sampler (polyhex-sampling)
rust-weechat (poljar)
Weechat API bindings for Rust
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scm-notifier (pocorall)
A Windows application to monitor both Git and SVN repositories.
PocketDockConsole (PocketDock)
Administer your server like never before -- Because RCON was so retro
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dash-auth (plotly)
Basic Auth and Plotly Authentication for Dash Apps
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learning_sequence_motifs (p-koo)
"Representation Learning of Genomic Sequence Motifs with Convolutional Neural Networks" by Peter K. Koo and Sean R. Eddy
PiotrMachowski (PiotrMachowski)
This repository is used to present a library of my custom elements for Home Assistant.
musicbox (pi-dan)
网易云音乐命令行版 for linux,新增进度条,桌面通知,20个榜单
✭ 15
react-native-compress (phuochau)
Compress video for react native. Only for iOS, Android will be coming.
OnlineDeepLearning (phquang)
Implementation of Online Hedge Backpropagation
pecl-mail-mailparse (php)
Email message manipulation
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node-gapi (phated)
[Unmaintained] Node implementation of Google's JavaScript Library (Currently Implemented: Google+ & Google WebFonts)
bash-boilerplate (pforret)
Bash script template // archived, please use (pfmiles)
A small and easy to use parser generator. Specify your grammar in pure java and compile dynamically. Especially suitable for DSL creation in java.
Knock (petercunha)
🔑 Scan the entire internet for SSH and Telnet services. Then hack them.
perch-vagrant (PerchCMS)
Vagrant package for Perch sites
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sina_analysis (pengLP)
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pbf2json (pelias)
An OpenStreetMap pbf parser which exports json, allows you to cherry-pick tags and handles denormalizing ways and relations. Available as a standalone binary and comes with a convenient npm wrapper. (Peksa)
Your own custom URL-shortener!
MVPTemplate (PedroCarrillo)
Android MVP pattern with Retrofit2
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marked-ast (pdubroy)
A modified version of chjj/marked that can produce an abstract syntax tree for Markdown
UTXO (pcluchet)
UTXO implementation in hyperledger fabric
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1201-1300 recently analyzed projects