357 open source projects by IBM

101. Blockchain Enabled Crowdfunding
Demonstrate the use of Hyperledger Fabric for building a collaboration platform for Crowdfunding
102. Kitura On Kubernetes
Develop a Full-Stack Swift application with a native iOS app and Kitura on Kubernetes
103. Elasticsearch Spark Recommender
Use Jupyter Notebooks to demonstrate how to build a Recommender with Apache Spark & Elasticsearch
105. Microscopy
An open-source, motorized, and modular microscope built using LEGO bricks, Arduino, Raspberry Pi and 3D printing.
✭ 687
106. Ffdl
Fabric for Deep Learning (FfDL, pronounced fiddle) is a Deep Learning Platform offering TensorFlow, Caffe, PyTorch etc. as a Service on Kubernetes
108. Spring Boot Microservices On Kubernetes
In this code we demonstrate how a simple Spring Boot application can be deployed on top of Kubernetes. This application, Office Space, mimicks the fictitious app idea from Michael Bolton in the movie "Office Space".
109. Differential Privacy Library
Diffprivlib: The IBM Differential Privacy Library
110. Nicedoc.io
pretty README as service.
✭ 428
111. Mac Ibm Enrollment App
The [email protected] enrollment app makes setting up macOS with Jamf Pro more intuitive for users and easier for IT. The application offers IT admins the ability to gather additional information about their users during setup, allows users to customize their enrollment by selecting apps or bundles of apps to install during setup, and provides users with next steps when enrollment is complete.
✭ 413
112. Cloud Native Starter
Cloud Native Starter for Java/Jakarta EE based Microservices on Kubernetes and Istio
113. Max Image Resolution Enhancer
Upscale an image by a factor of 4, while generating photo-realistic details.
114. Bluepic
WARNING: This repository is no longer maintained ⚠️ This repository will not be updated. The repository will be kept available in read-only mode.
115. Clai
Command Line Artificial Intelligence or CLAI is an open-sourced project from IBM Research aimed to bring the power of AI to the command line interface.
116. Fhe Toolkit Macos
IBM Homomorphic Encryption Toolkit For MacOS
✭ 314
117. Carbon Components Angular
An Angular implementation of the Carbon Design System for IBM.
118. Powerai Counting Cars
Run a Jupyter Notebook to detect, track, and count cars in a video using Maximo Visual Insights (formerly PowerAI Vision) and OpenCV
119. Deploy Ibm Cloud Private
Instructions and Code required to install IBM Cloud Private
✭ 264
120. Blockchain Network On Kubernetes
Demonstrates the steps involved in setting up your business network on Hyperledger Fabric using Kubernetes APIs on IBM Cloud Kubernetes Service.
121. Microservices Traffic Management Using Istio
Istio is an open platform that provides a uniform way to connect, manage, and secure microservices. In this code we show how we can enable your microservices with advanced traffic management, routing and tracing capabilities leveraging Istio
122. Charts
The IBM/charts repository provides helm charts for IBM and Third Party middleware.
124. Portieris
A Kubernetes Admission Controller for verifying image trust with Notary.
✭ 255
125. taxinomitis-docs
Project worksheets for Machine Learning for Kids
✭ 70
126. AITQA
resources for the IBM Airlines Table-Question-Answering Benchmark
127. go-sdk-core
The go-sdk-core repository contains core functionality required by Go code generated by the IBM OpenAPI SDK Generator.
128. watson-vehicle-damage-analyzer
A server and mobile app to send pictures of vehicle damage to IBM Watson Visual Recognition for classification
130. compliance-trestle
An opinionated tooling platform for managing compliance as code, using continuous integration and NIST's OSCAL standard.
131. ansible-power-hmc
Developer contributions for Ansible Automation on Power (HMC)
132. ibm-spectrum-scale-csi-driver
Repository has been moved to: https://github.com/IBM/ibm-spectrum-scale-csi
133. fhe-toolkit-android
IBM Fully Homomorphic Encryption Toolkit For Android
✭ 34
134. unity-sdk-core
🎮 Core project of Unity SDKs generated using the IBM OpenAPI SDK generator.
135. python-sdk-core
The python-sdk-core repository contains core functionality required by Python code generated by the IBM OpenAPI SDK Generator.
137. CLEVER-Robustness-Score
Codes for reproducing the robustness evaluation scores in “Evaluating the Robustness of Neural Networks: An Extreme Value Theory Approach,” ICLR 2018 ​​​​​​​
138. cloudant-go-sdk
Cloudant SDK for Go
✭ 15
139. secure-bitcoin-wallet
Secure Bitcoin Wallet is a Dockerized version of Electrum Bitcoin Client with a Web frontend. The Electrum Bitcoin Client, a modified version of Electrum, runs as a JSON RPC server to maintain a bitcoin wallet by interacting with the bitcoin network. It can encrypt/decrypt a wallet file using an EP11 crypto server (zHSM) to protect the encryptio…
140. pixiedust-facebook-analysis
A Jupyter notebook that uses the Watson Visual Recognition and Natural Language Understanding services to enrich Facebook Analytics and uses Cognos Dashboard Embedded to explore and visualize the results in Watson Studio
141. MAX-ResNet-50
Identify objects in images using a first-generation deep residual network.
143. rocc-software
C/Assembly macros for talking with Rocket Custom Coprocessors (RoCCs)
145. ToDoBackend
This tutorial teaches how to create a Kitura backend for the Todo-Backend project, which provides tests and a web client for a "To Do List" application.
✭ 84
146. ansible-for-i
the tool is to provide several customized modules for Ansible to manage IBM i systems.
✭ 35
147. SecuringArt-using-Blockchain-DigitalCertificates
WARNING: This repository is no longer maintained ⚠️ This repository will not be updated. The repository will be kept available in read-only mode.
148. core-dump-handler
Save core dumps from a Kubernetes Service or RedHat OpenShift to an S3 protocol compatible object store
149. watson-discovery-analyze-data-breaches
A Node.js application that demonstrates how to Import, Enrich, and see Insights about data using Watson Discovery.
150. tekton-tutorial
No description, website, or topics provided.