All Git Users → hasura

48 open source projects by hasura

1. Pgdeltastream
Streaming Postgres logical replication changes atleast-once over websockets
2. Graphql Engine Heroku
Blazing fast, instant realtime GraphQL APIs on Postgres with fine grained access control, also trigger webhooks on database events.
3. Hasura Aws Stack
A complete production ready 100% serverless stack on AWS with Hasura
✭ 163
4. Ra Data Hasura
react-admin data provider for Hasura GraphQL Engine
✭ 140
5. 3factor
3factor app is an architecture pattern for modern fullstack apps. 3factor apps are fast to build and are highly scalable.
6. Graphql2chartjs
graphql2chartjs reshapes your GraphQL data as per the ChartJS API.
✭ 129
7. Json2graphql
From a JSON file to postgres-backed realtime GraphQL
✭ 127
8. Gqless Movies Demo
A movies app using Hasura and gqless
10. Awesome Angular Graphql
A curated collection of resources, clients and tools that make working with `GraphQL and Angular` awesome
11. Kubeformation
Create declarative cluster specifications for your managed Kubernetes vendor (GKE, AKS)
12. Skor
Now part of Hasura GraphQL Engine. Listen to postgres events and forward them as JSON payloads to a webhook
✭ 1,233
13. Hasura Actions Examples
Examples of handling custom business logic with Hasura Actions
14. Awesome Fluent Graphql
Awesome list of fluent GraphQL clients & examples
15. Graphql Serverless
Example boilerplates for GraphQL backends hosted on serverless platforms
16. Firebase2graphql
Move from Firebase realtime db to instant GraphQL APIs on Postgres
✭ 53
17. Sphinx Graphiql
Sphinx plugin that adds a GraphiQL directive so that you can embed an interactive GraphQL query explorer in your docs
✭ 50
18. Gitkube Example
An example repo to be used with gitkube: git push to deploy on to Kubernetes
✭ 40
19. Local Development
[Deprecated] Run Hasura locally on your computer
20. Imad App
Base repository for IMAD course application.
✭ 15
21. Preview Actions
Starter kit to try out actions
✭ 16
22. Gatsby Gitbook Starter
Generate GitBook style modern docs/tutorial websites using Gatsby + MDX
23. Awesome React Graphql
A curated collection of resources, clients and tools that make working with `GraphQL and React/React Native` awesome
24. Learn Graphql
Real world GraphQL tutorials for frontend developers with deadlines!
25. React Check Auth
Add auth protection anywhere in your react/react-native app
26. Graphql Engine
Blazing fast, instant realtime GraphQL APIs on your DB with fine grained access control, also trigger webhooks on database events.
27. Eff
🚧 a work in progress effect system for Haskell 🚧
✭ 434
28. Awesome Live Reloading
A curated collection of live-reloading / hot-reloading / watch-reloading tools for different languages and frameworks.
29. Gitkube
Build and deploy docker images to Kubernetes using git push
30. 3factor Example
Canonical example of building a 3factor app : a food ordering application
✭ 333
31. React Native Auth Boilerplate
A react native boilerplate with authentication already implemented
32. Awesome Vue Graphql
A curated collection of resources, clients and tools that make working with `GraphQL and Vue.js` awesome
33. Graphqurl
curl for GraphQL with autocomplete, subscriptions and GraphiQL. Also a dead-simple universal javascript GraphQL client.
35. authz-workshop
No description, website, or topics provided.
✭ 23
36. template-gallery
Repository containing schema sharing packages.
✭ 19
37. graphiql-online
Explore your GraphQL APIs with headers
38. hasura-k8s-stack
A feature-complete Hasura stack on Kubernetes
39. hasura-ecommerce
No description, website, or topics provided.
40. issues
Dump and sync org wide issues into postgres and visualise with metabase.
✭ 19
42. github-integration-starter
Try out Hasura's GitHub Integration on Cloud Projects using the examples in this repo.
43. rxdb-hasura-demo
An Offline first todo app
44. pg-client-hs
A low level Haskell library to connect to postgres
45. go-graphql-client
Package graphql provides a GraphQL client implementation.
✭ 232
46. realm-pg-sync
The realm-pg-sync microservice
47. graphql-parser-hs
A GraphQL query parser for Haskell
48. data-dictionary
No description, website, or topics provided.
1-48 of 48 user projects