Top 178 attention open source projects

Pointer Networks Experiments
Sorting numbers with pointer networks
Time Attention
Implementation of RNN for Time Series prediction from the paper
Sentences pair similarity calculation siamese lstm
A Keras Implementation of Attention_based Siamese Manhattan LSTM
Biblosa Pytorch
Re-implementation of Bi-Directional Block Self-Attention for Fast and Memory-Efficient Sequence Modeling (T. Shen et al., ICLR 2018) on Pytorch.
PyTorch implementation of some attentions for Deep Learning Researchers.
TensorFlow Implementation of "Attention Clusters: Purely Attention Based Local Feature Integration for Video Classification"
Attentive Neural Processes
implementing "recurrent attentive neural processes" to forecast power usage (w. LSTM baseline, MCDropout)
DeFactoNLP: An Automated Fact-checking System that uses Named Entity Recognition, TF-IDF vector comparison and Decomposable Attention models.
Isab Pytorch
An implementation of (Induced) Set Attention Block, from the Set Transformers paper
Nlp tensorflow project
Use tensorflow to achieve some NLP project, eg: classification chatbot ner attention QAetc.
Cell Detr
Official and maintained implementation of the paper Attention-Based Transformers for Instance Segmentation of Cells in Microstructures [BIBM 2020].
Pytorch Gat
My implementation of the original GAT paper (Veličković et al.). I've additionally included the file for visualizing the Cora dataset, GAT embeddings, an attention mechanism, and entropy histograms. I've supported both Cora (transductive) and PPI (inductive) examples!
Spatial Transformer Network
A Tensorflow implementation of Spatial Transformer Networks.
Tf Rnn Attention
Tensorflow implementation of attention mechanism for text classification tasks.
Nlp paper study
Text Classification
Implementation of papers for text classification task on DBpedia
Voice activity detection (VAD) toolkit including DNN, bDNN, LSTM and ACAM based VAD. We also provide our directly recorded dataset.
Reproduce simple cv project including attention module, classification, object detection, segmentation, keypoint detection, tracking 😄 etc.
Attention Is All You Need Pytorch
A PyTorch implementation of the Transformer model in "Attention is All You Need".
Speech Transformer
A PyTorch implementation of Speech Transformer, an End-to-End ASR with Transformer network on Mandarin Chinese.
Performer Pytorch
An implementation of Performer, a linear attention-based transformer, in Pytorch
Residual Attention Network
Residual Attention Network for Image Classification
A bidirectional recurrent neural network model with attention mechanism for restoring missing punctuation in unsegmented text
Rnn Nlu
A TensorFlow implementation of Recurrent Neural Networks for Sequence Classification and Sequence Labeling
Ban Vqa
Bilinear attention networks for visual question answering
Mac Network
Implementation for the paper "Compositional Attention Networks for Machine Reasoning" (Hudson and Manning, ICLR 2018)
Recurrent Visual Attention
A PyTorch Implementation of "Recurrent Models of Visual Attention"
Pytorch Original Transformer
My implementation of the original transformer model (Vaswani et al.). I've additionally included the file for visualizing otherwise seemingly hard concepts. Currently included IWSLT pretrained models.
Nlp Tutorials
Simple implementations of NLP models. Tutorials are written in Chinese on my website
Ner Bert
BERT-NER (nert-bert) with google bert
Transformer Tensorflow
TensorFlow implementation of 'Attention Is All You Need (2017. 6)'
Crnn attention ocr chinese
CRNN with attention to do OCR,add Chinese recognition
Deep Xi: A deep learning approach to a priori SNR estimation implemented in TensorFlow 2/Keras. For speech enhancement and robust ASR.
Mcan Vqa
Deep Modular Co-Attention Networks for Visual Question Answering
Abd Net
[ICCV 2019] "ABD-Net: Attentive but Diverse Person Re-Identification"
Encoder decoder
Four styles of encoder decoder model by Python, Theano, Keras and Seq2Seq
A PyTorch Implementation of "Watch Your Step: Learning Node Embeddings via Graph Attention" (NeurIPS 2018).
Implementation of ABCNN(Attention-Based Convolutional Neural Network) on Tensorflow
ai challenger 2018 sentiment analysis
Fine-grained Sentiment Analysis of User Reviews --- AI CHALLENGER 2018
PyTorch implementation of MTAD-GAT (Multivariate Time-Series Anomaly Detection via Graph Attention Networks) by Zhao et. al (2020,
CVPR 2021: "Generating Diverse Structure for Image Inpainting With Hierarchical VQ-VAE"
⌛ Introducing Self-Attention to Target Attentive Graph Neural Networks (AISP '22)
[CVPR2020] "Detecting Attended Visual Targets in Video"
61-120 of 178 attention projects