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Top 1988 django open source projects

Django Project Skeleton
A skeleton aka. template for Django projects
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Django Trench
django-trench provides a set of REST API endpoints to supplement django-rest-framework with multi-factor authentication (MFA, 2FA). It supports both standard built-in authentication methods, as well as JWT (JSON Web Token).
A template engine for Rust based on Jinja2/Django
Django Classified
Django Classified
Water Monitoring System
Water Monitoring System is an IOT based Liquid Level Monitoring system that has mechanisms to keep the user alerted in case of liquid overflow or when tank depletes.
An open source online judge system base on Django REST framework and Vue.js !
A Django app that creates automatic web UIs for Python scripts.
Django Macros Url
Django Macros URL. Routing must be simple as possible
Django Tinymce4 Lite
TinyMCE 4 editor widget for Django
资产管理、主机管理、批量执行命令|脚本、流量图、webssh 本项目已停止开发!因长时间未对代码进行维护,可能会造成项目在不同环境上无法部署、运行BUG等问题,请知晓!项目仅供参考!
Django Subadmin
A special kind of ModelAdmin that allows it to be nested within another ModelAdmin
Ralph is the CMDB / Asset Management system for data center and back office hardware.
Code for the Outreachy website, based on Python, Django, and Bootstrap.
The open source codebase - Learn, build, and meetup with other developers on DISCORD and YOUTUBE
Conf web
django + etcd + confd 配置管理平台
PyTorch Implementations For A Series Of Deep Learning-Based Recommendation Models (IN PROGRESS)
OSINT tool - gets data from services like shodan, censys etc. in one app
Django Hardcopy
Render PDFs from HTML in Python/Django using Headless Chrome
Django Admin Json Editor
Adds json-editor for JSONField in Django Administration
Drf Api Tracking
Fork of aschn/drf-tracking so that we can maintain and release newer versions
HydroShare is a collaborative website for better access to data and models in the hydrologic sciences.
Django Autocomplete Light
A fresh approach to autocomplete implementations, specially for Django. Status: v4 alpha, v3 stable, v2 & v1 deprecated.
Django Jinja Knockout
Django datatables and widgets, both AJAX and traditional. Display-only ModelForms. ModelForms / inline formsets with AJAX submit and validation. Works with Django templates.
Maria Quiteria
Backend para coleta e disponibilização dos dados 📜
Django Jchart
📈 A Django package for plotting charts using the excellent Chart.JS library.
📚 背单词网页 Django + MySQL + Pug + JS
Bag Of Holding
An application to assist in the organization and prioritization of software security activities.
Crowdsourcing platform for full text transcription and tagging.
Django debug tool for browser
Crudl Example Django
CRUDL with Django, DRF/Graphene and SQLite
Python3+Django+MySQL+Xadmin 在线学习平台
Django Oscar Paypal
PayPal integration for django-oscar. Can be used without Oscar too.
部署在 GitBook 上的个人博客。
Django Balancer
A set of tools for using Django's multi-db feature.
Python Thumbnails
Thumbnails for Django, Flask and other Python projects. 🌈
Docker Nginx Postgres Django Example
Example using Docker, Django, multiple Postgres databases, NginX, Gunicorn, pipenv, GitLab CI and tox.
Django Bruteforce Protection
Bruteforce protection for Django projects based on Redis. Simple, powerful, extendable.
Django Translations
Django model translation for perfectionists with deadlines.
Django Pattern Library
UI pattern libraries for Django templates
Django Save The Change
Your DB Got It the First Time.
Wagtail Pipit
Pipit is a Wagtail CMS boilerplate which aims to provide an easy and modern developer workflow with a React-rendered frontend.
Django Shop Tutorial
Use Django To Create A Simple Shopping Site Tutorial
Django Adminlte3
AdminLTE Templates, Template Tags, and Admin Theme for Django
Django Ra Erp
A Django based framework to create diverse business solutions, equipped with a reporting engine and a responsive dashboard.
comics is a web comics aggregator
Django Dashboard Black
Django Dashboard - Black Design | AppSeed
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Django Oauth2 Server
OAuth2 server written in Python with Django
Django Celery
Old Celery integration project for Django
Beatserver, a periodic task scheduler for Django 🎵
Django Brake
Django Brake - a versatile ratelimiting app for Django.
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Django Cc
Django wallet for Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies
Django Wiki
A wiki system with complex functionality for simple integration and a superb interface. Store your knowledge with style: Use django models.
Django Notifs
Modular Notifications (InApp, Email, SMS, CustomBackend etc) for Django