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Top 1988 django open source projects

Django Contacts
A Django address book application.
Django Fluent Pages
A flexible, scalable CMS with custom node types, and flexible block content.
Django Oss Storage
Django storage backends for AliCloud OSS.
Django Filer
File and Image Management Application for django
A tiny blogging platform that lets you write posts in Google Docs and syncs with a Google Drive directory.
Django Cacheops
A slick ORM cache with automatic granular event-driven invalidation.
☁🌐 wq's db library, extending Django REST framework to support apps for geospatial field data collection, citizen science, and crowdsourcing.
Self hosted FLOSS fitness/workout, nutrition and weight tracker written with Django
Covid19 Dashboard
🦠 Django + Plotly Coronavirus dashboard. Powerful data driven Python web-app, with an awesome UI. Contributions welcomed! Featured on 🕶Awesome-list
Django Project Template
Django project layout to quickly start build fantastic websites! (included npm, libsass, frontend setup and base Django apps)
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Django Tables2
django-tables2 - An app for creating HTML tables
Django Rq
A simple app that provides django integration for RQ (Redis Queue)
Osm Export Tool
Web service to download customised OSM data in various file formats
Drf Cheat Sheet
Cheat sheet / quick reference guide for Django REST Framework.
Django Auth0 Vue
A Django REST Framework + Vue.js CRUD Demo Secured Using Auth0
Wjcat Release
Django Th
🐍 Trigger Happy - The bus 🚌 for your internet services
Django Apps Checklist
Useful checklist for build great Django apps. Feel free to contribute!
Online translation tool
Nessus map
Parse .nessus file(s) and shows output in interactive UI
Django Eventtools
A lightweight library designed to handle repeating and one-off event occurrences for display on a website.
Wagtail Personalisation
Rule-based personalisation for Wagtail CMS
🎶Apple Music ↔️ Spotify playlist convertor.
Django Publications
A Django app for managing scientific publications.
Fast Django server for IOT Devices
Build a Twitter-like web app step-by-step with Django, jQuery, and Bootstrap!
Chat App
一个基于django、nodejs、vue的websocket实时点对点通讯项目,关键词 QQ、微信、实时聊天、django、vue、nodejs、websocket。
Django cve 2019 19844 poc
PoC for CVE-2019-19844(
Django Redis Metrics
Metrics for django apps backed by Redis.
Wildfish Django Starter
Django 2 cookiecutter starter project template.
Work At Olist
Apply for a job at Olist's Development Team:
Django rest Vuejs Auth
An Authentication project using JWT Tokens, Vuejs(frontend) and Django-Rest(backend).
A search 🔎 engine for programming/dev tutorials, See it in action 👉
Django Hexo Matery
尝试用Django3重写的我的Hexo博客,使用的前端主题是 Matery。
Django Searchable Select
A better and faster multiple selection widget with suggestions
Django Project Template
Thorgate's Django project template - Django, React, Sass, optional Docker and more
Django Rest Framework Api Key
An extra layer of authentication for Web APIs made with Django REST Framework
Xadmin bugfix
基于原版xadmin修改,修复原版已知bug,适配Python(3.6, 3.7, 3.8, 3.9) + Django(2.2, 3.0, 3.1)
Self-Hosted Bookmark And Archive Manager
Bootstrap Breadcrumbs
Django template tags for easy breadcrumbs using twitter bootstrap css classes or custom template
Django Infinite Scroll Pagination
🌀 Pagination based on the seek method / keyset paging / offset-less pagination
Django Generic Scaffold
Quick generation of CRUD generic views for django!
Django Graphql Social Auth
Python Social Auth support for Graphene Django
Django Debugtools
A toolbox of small utilities to assist Django development
A platform for end-to-end development of machine learning solutions in biomedical imaging
The powerful e-commerce solution for Python
Templated Docs
Generate PDF, MS Word and Excel documents from templates in Django
Argument mapping and analysis platform
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Django Unused Media
Remove unused media files from Django project
Distributed Multi User Scrapy System With A Web Ui
Django based application that allows creating, deploying and running Scrapy spiders in a distributed manner
Cride Platzi
REST API project used to teach Django on Platzi
Django Mfa2
A Django app that handles MFA, it supports TOTP, U2F, FIDO2 U2F (Webauthn), Email Token and Trusted Devices
Docker Django Example
A production ready example Django app that's using Docker and Docker Compose.
Python Sparkpost
SparkPost client library for Python