Top 88 bootstrap3 open source projects

Django Bootstrap Modal Forms
A Django plugin for creating AJAX driven forms in Bootstrap modal.
Bootstrap 3 responsive dashboard / webapp / admin template
GleezCMS - A Light, Simple, Flexible Content Management System
Django Bootstrap3
Bootstrap 3 integration with Django.
Angular Cli Mvc
🔱一个简洁漂亮的java blog 👉基于Spring /MVC+ Hibernate + MySQL + Bootstrap + freemarker. 实现 🌈
Web Study
本仓库是自己总结的前端开发一些基础知识,包括html5,css3, canvas, jQuery, less ,ES6, webpack,Vue等,也包含了一些算法和数据结构方面的练习,同时也记录了自己工作中的踩坑总结,适合想要学习前端开发的伙伴,你可以clone项目到本地,然后一步一步跟着我的demo敲,希望大家都能全栈。
Admin Template
JSF responsive admin template based on Bootstrap and AdminLTE
Amexio is a rich set of Angular 7 (170+) components powered by HTML5 & CSS3 for Responsive Design and with 80+ Material Design Themes, UI Components, Charts, Gauges, Data Point Widgets, Dashboards. Amexio is completely Open Sourced and Free. It's based on Apache 2 License. You can use it in your production grade work today at no cost or no obligation.
X Editable Rails
Edit fields easily with X-Editable helper
Twitter Bootstrap 3 theme for Octopress
Django Crudbuilder
Generic CRUD implementation in Django
Admin Theme
Primefaces admin theme based on Admin LTE and Bootstrap
Cakephp3 Bootstrap Helpers
CakePHP 3.x Helpers for Bootstrap 3 and 4.
Vuelidate Error Extractor
Vuelidate form-group helper that extracts errors easily.
Shiny and R Markdown addons to Bootstrap 3
Django Jinja Knockout
Django datatables and widgets, both AJAX and traditional. Display-only ModelForms. ModelForms / inline formsets with AJAX submit and validation. Works with Django templates.
Bootstrap Validate
A simple Form Validation Library for Bootstrap 3 and Bootstrap 4 not depending on jQuery.
Java EE 企业级快速开发平台,基于经典技术组合(Spring Boot、Spring MVC、Apache Shiro、MyBatis、Beetl、Bootstrap、AdminLTE),在线代码生成功能,包括核心模块如:组织机构、角色用户、菜单及按钮授权、数据权限、系统参数、内容管理、工作流等。采用松耦合设计;界面无刷新,一键换肤;众多账号安全设置,密码策略;在线定时任务配置;支持集群,支持SAAS;支持多数据源
Vue Cli Multipage Bootstrap
vue-cli-multipage-bootstrap demo with vue2+vue-router+vuex+bootstrap+markdown for learning vue2.0
Bootstrap 4 Utilities
Bootstrap 4 utility classes in LESS CSS for Bootstrap 3 or any other projects.
Aurelia Slickgrid
Aurelia-Slickgrid a wrapper of the lightning fast & customizable SlickGrid datagrid with a few Styling Themes
Bootstrap Colorpicker
Bootstrap Colorpicker is a modular color picker plugin for Bootstrap.
Bootstrap-based web application scaffolding built in Go on top of the Revel Web Framework w/ Docker build support
A Quick Enterprise Web Framework for Information System 企业级Web快速开发框架
Ladda Bootstrap
Ladda buttons concept originally by @hakimel, example using Bootstrap 3 by @msurguy
基于 .NET Core MVC 的权限管理系统,代码易读易懂、界面简洁美观。演示版
Propeller - Develop more, Code less. Propeller is a front-end responsive framework based on Google's Material Design Standards & Bootstrap.
Bootstrap Ui
⚠️ IN MAINTENANCE MODE. Bootstrap UI is a Bootstrap extension for building beautiful web apps user interfaces.
Flight Ticket Booksystem
大三下数据库课设 - 机票预订系统 - Django
Dnato System Login
Manage member user & login System for CodeIgniter. It's very small, secure (with notification to review activity log in, will Sent via Email) and very fast login system, 👍 with bootstrap 3 & Custom Theme.
Azure Armviewer
Graphically visualize Azure Resource Manager templates NO LONGER UPDATED
Bootstrap Blog Template
An awesome blog template constructed using Twitter Bootstrap 3
Repository for my tutorial course: Bootstrap 3 Essential Training on LinkedIn Learning and
Esp8266 Wifi Relay
simple sketch of using ESP8266WebServer to switch relays on GPIO pins. It serves a simple website with toggle buttons for each relay
Bootstrap3 autocomplete input
Autocomplete/typeahead input with Bootstrap 3 and Rails 4. Works with SimpleForm
Bootstrap Helpers for Ruby
.NET 开源工作流, NET Open Source Workflow Engine
Angular Ui Notification
Angular.js service providing simple notifications using Bootstrap 3 styles with css transitions for animating
FlyCms 是一个类似知乎以问答为基础的完全开源的JAVA语言开发的社交网络建站程序,基于 Spring Boot+Bootstrap3+MyBatis+MySql+Solr +Ehcache应用架构,专注于社区内容的整理、归类和检索,它集合了问答,digg,wiki 等多个程序的优点,帮助用户轻松搭建专业的知识库和在线问答社区。业务模块包括:权限管理,会员管理,角色管理,定时任务管理(调度管理),问答管理,文章管理,分享管理,短信接口管理和邮件系统发送(注册、找回密码、邮件订阅),跨域登录,消息推送,全文检索、前端国际化等等众多模块,等您自己来体验!
Patternfly React
A set of React components for the PatternFly project.
meanTorrent - MEAN.JS BitTorrent Private Tracker - Full-Stack JavaScript Using MongoDB, Express, AngularJS, and Node.js, A BitTorrent Private Tracker CMS with Multilingual, and IRC announce support, CloudFlare support. Demo at:
Bootstrap3 Datetimepicker Rails
This gem packages the bootstrap-datetimepicker for the Rails 3.1+ asset pipeline.
Angular Slickgrid
Angular-Slickgrid is a wrapper of the lightning fast & customizable SlickGrid datagrid, it also includes multiple Styling Themes
Ci Adminlte
CodeIgniter 3.1.10 with AdminLTE 2.3.11
Wicked-fast, mobile-first, Bootstrap 4 theme framework for building awesome WordPress websites.
ASP.NET MVC Yazılımcıların Yükselişi eğitimim için hazırladığım örnek proje.
CoNekT (short for Co-expression Network Toolkit) is a platform to browse co-expression data and enable cross-species comparisons.
GoGo - Free Bootstrap template for chat bot landing page
1-60 of 88 bootstrap3 projects