Top 1105 rails open source projects

A set of Rails responders to dry up your application
The sources of the openSNP website
Weg Li
📸 📝 ✊ weg-li: 1, 2, 3 - Macht die Bahn frei!
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Ordinare sorts gems in your Gemfile alphabetically
📍 My dotfiles for macOS using Fish/Zsh, Neovim, and Tmux
Rails new
A thoughtfully designed template for building modern Rails apps. Get started in minutes instead of hours 🔥🚀
Rodauth Rails
Rails integration for Rodauth authentication framework
Group related classes together. No more silos. A solution to rails dystopia.
Ruby production code coverage collection and reporting (line of code usage)
Rack Policy
Rack middleware for the EU ePrivacy Directive compliance in Ruby Web Apps
Trado is a lightweight, easy to use ecommerce platform; designed to allow developers to quickly deploy a premium ecommerce store for their business
Critical Path Css Rails
Only load the CSS you need for the initial viewport in Rails!
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Graphql Query Resolver
Minimize N+1 queries generated by GraphQL and ActiveRecord
Font awesome5 rails
font_awesome_5_rails is font awesome 5 gem bundled for rails asset pipeline
ReCaptcha helpers for ruby apps
Ruby on Rails POS (Point of Sale)
Doorkeeper Provider App
An example OAuth 2 provider application using the Doorkeeper gem, Rails and Devise
Open Source headless multi-language/multi-currency/multi-store eCommerce platform
Kitsu Server
🚂 Rails API server for Kitsu
A super efficient Amazon SQS thread based message processor for Ruby
Sql tracker
Rails SQL Query Tracker
Rails api auth
Lightweight Rails Engine that implements the "Resource Owner Password Credentials Grant" OAuth 2.0 flow as well as Facebook authentication
Easiest way to add multi-environment yaml settings to Rails, Sinatra, Pandrino and other Ruby projects.
I18n Debug
Ever wondered which translations are being looked up by Rails, a gem, or simply your app? Wonder no more!
Rails admin theme
rails_admin theme flat theme
Dry Rails
The official dry-rb railtie
Rails emoji picker
Add emoji to your app 😺
Single file components for Rails with Vue JS and Webpack
Redis dashboard
Sinatra app to monitor Redis servers.
Credit card validations
💳 ruby gem for validating credit card numbers, generating valid numbers, luhn checks
Relay Rails Blog
A graphql, relay and standard rails application powered demo weblog. We are using Graphql server and relay for our react component data needs.
Redis web manager
Manage your Redis instance (see keys, memory used, connected client, etc...)
Activejob Retry
Automatic retries for ActiveJob
Zen Rails Security Checklist
Checklist of security precautions for Ruby on Rails applications.
Actioncable Vue
A Vue plugin that makes integrating Rails Action Cable dead-easy.
Spotlight enables librarians, curators, and others who are responsible for digital collections to create attractive, feature-rich websites that highlight these collections.
A drag and drop web editor for React components.
Super module
SuperModule allows defining class methods and method invocations the same way a super class does without using def included(base). This also succeeds ActiveSupport::Concern by offering lighter syntax
Progressive Web Apps for Rails
Reactive record
Generate ActiveRecord models for a pre-existing Postgres db
Notifications Rails
A flexible notification library supporting the delivery to external services, rendering in various environments, and user configuration by category.
Our collection of useful cucumber steps.
Mumuki Laboratory
🔬 Where students practice and receive automated and human feedback
Hyrax is a Ruby on Rails Engine built by the Samvera community. Hyrax provides a foundation for creating many different digital repository applications.
Torque Postgresql
Add support to complex resources of PostgreSQL, like data types, array associations, and auxiliary statements (CTE)
Trace location
🔍Help you get reading the huge open souce libraries in Ruby and trace its source locations
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Rspec Openapi
Generate OpenAPI schema from RSpec request specs
Sabisu Rails
Simple and powerful engine for exploring your Rails api application
Thinking Sphinx
Sphinx plugin for ActiveRecord/Rails
Rails React Typescript Docker Example
An example app built on Ruby on Rails 6.1 + React.js 17 + TypeScript 4.2 + Docker Compose
Rails sortable
Easy drag & drop sorting with persisting the arranged order for rails
Twitter emoji in Ruby 😊
Master rails by actions
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Awesome Ruby Blogs
A curated list of Awesome Ruby Blogs and Newsletters for Ruby Developers and Newbies