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Top 56 sidekiq open source projects

Sidekiq Batch
Sidekiq Batch Jobs Implementation
Sidekiq monitor
Advanced monitoring for Sidekiq
Ansible Rails
Ruby on Rails deployment using Ansible - with Lets Encrypt, Sidekiq, PostgreSQL, nginx & puma
Boilerplate Rails 6 SaaS application with Webpack, Stimulus and Docker integration.
Sidekiq status
Extension to Sidekiq to pass job execution metadata such as status and result back to the client
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Activejob Retry
Automatic retries for ActiveJob
Simple, efficient background processing for Ruby
Sidekiq Prometheus Exporter
All the basic metrics of Sidekiq with pluggable contribs prepared for Prometheus
Simple scheduler
An enhancement for Heroku Scheduler + Sidekiq for scheduling jobs at specific times.
👍👎 A recommendation engine using Likes and Dislikes for your Ruby app
Job processing library for Elixir - compatible with Resque / Sidekiq
Sidekiq Worker Killer
🔪Sidekiq Worker Killer
Sidekiq Scheduler
Lightweight job scheduler extension for Sidekiq
Sidekiq Lock
Simple redis-based lock mechanism for your sidekiq workers
Sidekiq Priority
Prioritize Sidekiq jobs within queues
Sidekiq Unique Jobs
Ensure uniqueness of your Sidekiq jobs
Sidekiq Job Php
Push and schedule jobs to Sidekiq from PHP
Docker Rails
Dockerize Rails 6 with ActionCable, Webpacker, Stimulus, Elasticsearch, Sidekiq
La gear
What do you get when you glue sneakers and sidekiq together? la_gear! Pump it up!
Activejob Scheduler
A background job scheduler for any queue backend
Fast and distributed workflow runner using ActiveJob and Redis
Sidekiq Statistic
See statistic about your workers
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A job processing system that just verks! 🧛‍
Sidekiq Superworker
Directed acyclic graphs of Sidekiq jobs
Sidekiq Throttled
Concurrency and threshold throttling for Sidekiq.
Active Job Style Guide
This Background Jobs style guide is a list of best practices working with Ruby background jobs.
A Golang based high performance, scalable and distributed workflow framework
RSS as RESTful. This service allows you to transform RSS feed into an awesome API.
Ruby's missing background and batch processing system
A Rust app to track Sidekiq enqueued & processed jobs in Datadog
Boilerplate Rails 5.2 multitenant SaaS application with webpack and Docker integration. Billing is scoped to accounts.
Sequential Sidekiq jobs for Rails
Public repository with Prometheus instrumentation for Sidekiq
Recurring / Periodic / Scheduled / Cron job extension for Sidekiq
sidekiq alive
Liveness probe for Sidekiq in Kubernetes deployments
Debouncing for Sidekiq tasks
Job scheduler for Exq
request store-sidekiq
Provides an easy integration between RequestStore and Sidekiq
sidekiq queue metrics
Records stats of each sidekiq queue and exposes APIs to retrieve them
[experimental] Lumpik is a job queue system for general purpose.
Super simple event system on top of ActiveJob
Ready to go Rails App with TailwindCSS, ViewComponent, Devise, and more!
sidekiq log analyzer
SidekiqLogAnalyser gem allows to see summary of your sidekiq workers (based on log file).
Jobqueue manages running and scheduling jobs (think Sidekiq or Resque for Go).
A simple orchestration library for running complex processes or workflows in Ruby
1-56 of 56 sidekiq projects