Chisel.prototypeWork in progress prototype for the Chisel Level Editor, for Unity
Quiz AppA repository reflecting the progress made on the "How to Build iOS Apps with Swift, TDD & Clean Architecture" YouTube series, by Caio & Mike.
Spring Dubbo Service微服务 spring dubbo项目:dubbo rpc;druid数据源连接池;mybatis配置集成,多数据源;jmx监控MBean;定时任务;aop;ftp;测试;Metrics监控;参数验证;跨域处理;shiro权限控制;consul服务注册,发现;redis分布式锁;SPI服务机制;cat监控;netty服务代理;websocket;disconf;mongodb集成;rest;docker;fescar 原型设计元件库,基于Axure RP 10/9/8,支持 Android、Apple、Windows、微信,移动、桌面平台的应用和网站原型设计。五年历程 2.6k+ star,感谢大家使用。
Server Components🔧 A simple, lightweight tool for composable HTML rendering in Node.js, based on web components.
FermionjsVisual Prototyping Tool for React Applications
IsoBuild pages and prototypes with Lab UI components. No configuration or build setup required.
Designpatterns🔑Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software🔓is a software engineering book describing software design patterns. The book's authors are Erich Gamma, Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson and John Vlissides with a foreword by Grady Booch.
InvoltInject hardware interactions directly into HTML layout.
RotatedrevealersAnimated rotated overlays, or "reveal" elements for interesting page transition effects.
Pseudo Pythona restricted python to javascript / c# / go / ruby compiler
BoobenWeb app constructor based on React, with GraphQL bindings
TernionA simple starter kit to prototype quickly your ideas with Three.js
EhrThe code repository for the prototypes included in the eBook "Inspired EHRs - Designing for Clinicians" ( The code of the prototypes is made available under the Apache 2.0 open source license. This license agreement allows anyone to freely use the code and ideas presented in this book, subject to the conditions listed at
CasingThe UI Framework for Framer Classic. Manages data, components and views
Chosen OrderChosen Order is a plugin for Chosen which provides functions to handle the order of the selection
ZipperpositionAn automatic theorem prover in OCaml for typed higher-order logic with equality and datatypes, based on superposition+rewriting; and Logtk, a supporting library for manipulating terms, formulas, clauses, etc.
Example ApiA base API project to bootstrap and prototype quickly.
StructorStructor - React UI Builder [DEPRECATED]
HybridrenderingengineClustered Forward/Deferred renderer with Physically Based Shading, Image Based Lighting and a whole lot of OpenGL.
Awesome FramerA curated list of awesome things related to Framer prototyping tool
Binjs RefReference implementation for the JavaScript Binary AST format
Input FramerFramer module to add inputs to your prototypes and easily turn your designs inputs into real inputs
domonicCreate HTML with python 3 using a standard DOM API. Includes a python port of JavaScript for interoperability and tons of other cool features. A fast prototyping library.
Framer-app-baseA Framer module to create the base of an app with a flow component and a tab bar menu
laikaExperiments with satellite image data
tokonomaGraphics related projects/prototypes/playground (Vulkan, C++17)
starterCreate vertical search web application in minutes with generator (based on ItemsAPI)
graphqlA library for handling GraphQL requests with Mirage JS
PureFormNo description or website provided.
DynamicProto-JSGenerates dynamic prototype methods for JavaScript objects (classes) by supporting method definition within their "class" constructor (like an instance version), this removes the need to expose internal properties on the instance (this) which results in better code minfication and therefore improved load times for your users.