Top 1105 rails open source projects

crud in Rails and React | Tutorial
Activerecord where assoc
Make ActiveRecord do conditions on your associations
A modern, responsive admin framework for Ruby on Rails
Zero Rails openapi
Concise DSL for generating OpenAPI Specification 3 (OAS3) JSON documentation for Ruby application.
Boring generators
Boring generators aims to make your development faster by delegating boring setups to us.
Spree auth devise
Provides authentication (user accounts, login & signup) for @spree by using Devise
Mandrill SMTP API integration for ActionMailer
The first open source crowdfunding platform for creative projects in the world
Api to manage Bind Name Server
String template
A template engine for Rails, focusing on speed, using Ruby's String interpolation syntax
An open source software to communicate with your team members through posting daily reports.
Vite ruby
⚡️ Vite.js in Ruby, bringing joy to your JavaScript experience
📖 The ultimate tool for documenting and testing APIs in Rails
SlideHub is an Open Source Slide Sharing Application for Azure / AWS
Fake api
The fastest way to prototype API in your Rails application
Learn Ruby On Rails
為你自己學 Ruby on Rails
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Calculate All
calculate_all method for aggregate functions in Active Record
Bootstrap form
Official repository of the bootstrap_form gem, a Rails form builder that makes it super easy to create beautiful-looking forms using Bootstrap 5.
Action Cable Signaling Server
🤝Rails implementation of a WebRTC Signaling Server
Lightweight, simple and maintained JSON:API support for your next Ruby HTTP API.
An implementation of the command pattern for Ruby with ActiveModel::Validations inspired by the interactor gem. Rich support for attributes, callbacks, and validations, and thread safe performance methods.
The new version of will be in Ruby on Rails. It was NoNo's resolution for 2009 (well, achieved!). You may add other enhancements at as you have a look at the website
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Capistrano Mb
[unmaintained] Capistrano tasks for deploying Rails from scratch to Ubuntu 16.04 and 18.04
Easily suppress the Rails logger
Where Or
Where or function backport from Rails 5 for Rails 4.2
InfluxDB ActiveRecord-style
Active hash relation
ActiveHash Relation: Simple gem that allows you to run multiple ActiveRecord::Relation using hash. Perfect for APIs.
Apple id
Sign in with Apple backend library in Ruby
Totally sweet Ruby on Rails-based forum software
Supercharged Rails development using Docker containers
Rails server timings
Server Timing headers for Rails apps
Teaspoon: Javascript test runner for Rails. Use Selenium, BrowserStack, or PhantomJS.
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Rails stuff
Collection of useful modules for Rails.
Simple token authentication
Simple (but safe) token authentication for Rails apps or API with Devise.
Active record Events
Manage timestamps in ActiveRecord models
Gdpr Rails
An example project on building a GDPR compliant application
Rails plugin that stores the browser geolocation
Factory bot instruments
Instruments for benchmarking, tracing, and debugging Factory Girl models.
Questions & Answers platform on Rails - stackoverflow clone
Rails Hackernews Reddit Producthunt Clone
hacker news / reddit / social link-sharing website. Built with Rails.
Local Incident Management System - This is used for tracking resources for Local Emergency Management
Email helpdesk built using Ruby on Rails and Zurb Foundation
Rubocop Rails config
RuboCop configuration which has the same code style checking as official Ruby on Rails.
PingCRM on Rails - A Ruby on Rails demo application to illustrate how Inertia.js works
Rack Weixin
微信公众平台 开放消息接口 Rack Middleware
Rails Env Credentials
Enhances Rails credentials for multiple environments
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Rails Doubletap Rce
RCE on Rails 5.2.2 using a path traversal (CVE-2019-5418) and a deserialization of Ruby objects (CVE-2019-5420)
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Counter culture
Turbo-charged counter caches for your Rails app.
Rails Letsencrypt
The Let's Encrypt certificate manager for rails
Ruby Getting Started
Getting Started with Ruby on Heroku
Activestorage Aliyun
Wraps the Aliyun OSS as an Active Storage service.
Coding further
"Coding further" is made for my students who graduated from Le Wagon coding bootcamp and are just now exploring the world of programming.
Premailer Rails
CSS styled emails without the hassle.
React Activestorage Provider
A React component that allows easy file upload using ActiveStorage