Top 135 sbt open source projects

Scala incremental compiler library, originally part of sbt
Ensime Sbt
Generates .ensime config files for SBT projects
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Sbt Dynver
An sbt plugin to dynamically set your version from git
Sbt Fresh
sbt-plugin to create an opinionated fresh sbt project
Markdown documentation
Sbt Tpolecat
scalac options for the enlightened
Lightweight repository management software dedicated for the Maven based artifacts (formerly NanoMaven) 📦
The Javascript ecosystem for Scala.js!
Sbt Dependency Check
SBT Plugin for OWASP DependencyCheck. Monitor your dependencies and report if there are any publicly known vulnerabilities (e.g. CVEs). 🌈
Sbt Web Scalajs
SBT plugin to use Scala.js along with any sbt-web server.
Scala Play React Seed
❄️ Java Play 2.7.x + React seed project with full-fledged build process
Sbt Crossproject
Cross-platform compilation support for sbt.
Sbt Doctest
Doctest for scala
Documentation and issues of
Sbt Docker Compose
Integrates Docker Compose functionality into sbt
Sbt Site
Site generation for sbt
Sbt Protobuf
sbt plugin for compiling protobuf files
Sample Projects
Sample project files for JavaCPP, JavaCPP Presets, and JavaCV
Scala Ts
🔧 Scala to TypeScript code generator
Gatling Sbt Plugin Demo
Showcase of the Gatling Plugin for SBT
Sbt Native Image
Plugin to generate native-image binaries with sbt
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Sbt Multi Project Example
sbt multi-project example
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Setup Scala
GitHub Action to install any version of Java (GraalVM, Java 8, Java 11, Java 14, ...) via Jabba. Works for any JVM language including Java, Scala and Kotlin.
Scalafx Ensemble
scalafx ensemble
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Sbt Jacoco
JaCoCo Code Coverage plug-in for sbt.
Sbt Unidoc
sbt plugin to create a unified API document across projects
Sbt S3 Resolver
☁️Amazon S3-based resolver for sbt
Sbt Prompt
An SBT plugin for making your SBT prompt more awesome
Simple Scala project template
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Scala Debugger
Scala libraries and tooling utilizing the Java Debugger Interface.
Sbt Jib
sbt version of sbt jib:
(Seeking maintainer) Free TR-069 ACS that can run (mostly) anywhere.
Sbt Newrelic
New Relic monitoring integration for SBT with sbt-native-packager
Android Vertical Stepper View
A vertical stepper implementation of the material design specification
Scala Ddd Example
🎯 λ Hexagonal Architecture + DDD + CQRS applied in Scala using Akka HTTP
Scala Play Angular Seed
🍀 Scala Play 2.7.x + Angular 8 with Angular CLI seed project with full-fledged build process
Sbt Dirty Money
clean Ivy2 cache
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Pro JavaFX2 book source codes translated to ScalaFX
Sbt Dependency Graph
sbt plugin to create a dependency graph for your project
Scala Js Chrome
ScalaJS bindings for Chrome Extention/App and ChromeOS APIs
Repository software for Sponge plugins and Forge mods
Scala Native.g8
Giter8 template for a minimal project that uses Scala Native.
Scala Graalvm Docker
Docker images to build and generate native artifacts using GraalVM
Sbt Frege
Frege support for sbt
Sbt Multi Jvm
Multi-JVM testing in sbt
Finagle Metrics
Easy way to send Finagle metrics to Codahale Metrics library
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Play Reactive Slick
This is Play Template with a nice User Interface. If you want to use Play as web framework and Postgres as Database then this demo project can be used as a starting point for your application.
Sbt Play Gulp
Gulp asset pipeline for Play Framework
My little sandbox for playing around with the FP + OOP + DDD combination, in particular using Rho, doobie, Docker, testing, etc in a project.
Scala Cypher Dsl
A type-safe Cypher Query Language DSL for Scala.
A zero-dependency micro library to deal with errors
Sbt Ignore Play Generated
Configure linters and coverage tools to ignore Play's generated source files.
Swagger Codegen Play Scala
Swagger client generator which is based on the PlayWS library
Sbt Scripting
Getting started tutorial for scripting using sbt.
Scala Steward
🤖 A bot that helps you keep your Scala projects up-to-date
1-60 of 135 sbt projects