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Top 1420 spring-boot open source projects

Html Pdf Service
LGPL V3. Java Spring Boot microservice with RESTful webconsole and service endpoints that convert HTML to PDF, optionally styling with CSS and templating with JSON using Flying Saucer, PDF Box and Jackson libraries. Available on Docker Hub.
Spring Cloud Examples
Examples of microservice instrastructures
Docker Example
Example Spring Boot Application with Docker
Versioning Spring Boot Starter
Spring boot starter using for versioning rest easily.
Hello Sso Jwt Resource
Single Sign On (SSO) Example with JSON Web Token (JWT), Spring Boot
Spring Boot Rest Api Example
Implement REST APIs using Spring Boot and Spring Session.
Monitors different kinds of software projects for new releases
E2e Experiment
A demo project with Spring Boot / Angular application and e2e tests
rabbitmq、redis、scheduled、socket、mongodb、Swagger2、spring data jpa、Thymeleaf、freemarker etc. (muti module spring boot project) (with spring boot framework,different bussiness scence with different technology。)
Newbee Mall Vue App
Vue2 全家桶 + Vant 搭建大型单页面商城项目。新蜂商城前后端分离版本-前端Vue项目源码
QA Strategy for microservices with Synchronous and Asynchronous communication
Spring Boot Web Nashorn
Feasibility of rendering React 16.x templates from Nashorn with babel-standalone, with Spring Boot and Kotlin
Micro Server
Microserver is a Java 8 native, zero configuration, standards based, battle hardened library to run Java Rest Microservices via a standard Java main class. Supporting pure Microservice or Micro-monolith styles.
Sample Camel Spring Boot
three samples in different branches that illustrates usage of apache camel as microservice framework providing integration with consul, hystrix, ribbon and other tools
Spring Qrcode Example
Demonstrates some of the capabilities of the Spring Boot framework through a small, simple example.
Spring Postgresql Demo
Spring Boot 2.0 application, backed by PostgreSQL, and designed for deployment to Pivotal Cloud Foundry (PCF)
基于Java标准doc注释构建的代码零侵入的HTTP RESTful API在线测试,文档阅览以及SDK导出框架,支持Spring-Boot和Spring-MVC
Search Spring Boot Starter
Localstack Spring Boot
Spring Boot AutoConfiguration for LocalStack
Mart Holiday Alarm
🛒 마트쉬는날 🏖
Spring Petclinic Gcp
Spring PetClinic Microservices on GCP
Angular Spring Data Rest Sample
Spring Boot based sample project for the Angular module.
Jsql Injection
jSQL Injection is a Java application for automatic SQL database injection.
一个基于spring和spring boot的快速开发框架……
Sample Hazelcast Spring Datagrid
sample spring-boot applications integrated with hazelcast imdg, and providing hot cache with hazelcast and striim
Dubbo Spring Boot Mybatis Redis
通过dubbo+spring boot+mybatis+redis等主流技术搭建成一套分布式服务框架
Ssm News
[Spring + JPA ] [ React + Typescript + Redux + Hooks ] [ Docker ] based blog
Todo List App
Spring Boot 1.3.2, Spring Data Hibernate H2, REST, Angular 1.5.3, Bootstrap, Maven.
Spring Streaming
SPA on Spring Boot 1.x, WebSockets and React, gradle, nodejs, spring-boot, gradle multi project, spring-mvc, spring-data, gradle dependency update plugin, react-router
An extensible Java library for HTTP request and response logging
We do Open Source ERP - Fast, Flexible & Free Software to scale your Business.
Spring Boot Jwt
JWT auth service using Spring Boot, Spring Security and MySQL
Newbee Mall
🔥 🎉newbee-mall 项目(新蜂商城)是一套电商系统,包括 newbee-mall 商城系统及 newbee-mall-admin 商城后台管理系统,基于 Spring Boot 2.X 及相关技术栈开发。 前台商城系统包含首页门户、商品分类、新品上线、首页轮播、商品推荐、商品搜索、商品展示、购物车、订单结算、订单流程、个人订单管理、会员中心、帮助中心等模块。 后台管理系统包含数据面板、轮播图管理、商品管理、订单管理、会员管理、分类管理、设置等模块。
Jeewx Boot
Spring Cloud 微服务开发核心工具集。工具类、验证码、http、redis、ip2region、xss 等,开箱即用。 🔝 🔝 记得右上角点个star 关注更新!
K8s Mastery
Repository for the article "Learn Kubernetes in Under 3 Hours"
Go Spring
基于 IoC 的 Go 后端一站式开发框架 🚀
Spring Boot Websocket Chat Demo
Spring Boot WebSocket Chat Demo with SockJS fallback and STOMP protocol
Springboot Learning
🚕 spring boot学习案例,方便spring boot 初学者快速掌握相关知识
Febs Security
Spring Boot 2.0.4 & Spring Security 5.0.7 权限管理系统。(精力有限,停止维护)
Weixin Shop Spring Cloud
微信商城SpringCloud版本 - 前端vue-shop
Mini Spring
481-540 of 1420 spring-boot projects