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Top 20 aot-compilation open source projects

Chimera flutter code push
Official Git of flutter code-push made by Chimera inc. If you want to get more info or seek for biz corporation, you can contact [email protected]
Angular Library Seed
🌾 Seed project for Angular libraries that are AOT/JIT compatible and that use external SCSS-styles and HTML-templates
Angular Seed Express
[DEPRECATED, Please use] Extensible, reliable and modular starter project for Angular 7 with statically typed build AoT compilation, Express server and PM2 Daemon.
Ngc Webpack
Angular compiler-cli with webpack's loader chain.
EGEO is the open-source UI library used to build Stratio's UI. It includes UI Components, Utilities, Services and much more to build user interfaces quickly and with ease. The library is distributed in AoT mode.
Lambda Native
Make .NET AWS Lambda functions start 10x faster using LambdaNative.
Angular Seed
🌱 [Deprecated] Extensible, reliable, modular, PWA ready starter project for Angular (2 and beyond) with statically typed build and AoT compilation
Soundcloud Ngrx
SoundCloud API client with Angular • RxJS • ngrx/store • ngrx/effects
Ngx Cookie Service
Angular (4.2+ ...11) service for cookies. Originally based on the `ng2-cookies` library.
Angular2 Toaster
Angular2-toaster is an asynchronous, non-blocking Angular Toaster Notification library
Angularx Qrcode
Angular4/5/6/7/8/9/10/11 QRCode generator component library for QR Codes (Quick Response) with AOT support based on node-qrcode
Angular Library Starter
Build an Angular library compatible with AoT compilation and Tree shaking like an official package
Ahead-of-Time Compilation in Gradle projects.
1-20 of 20 aot-compilation projects