Top 36643 C++ open source projects

202. Node Memwatch
A NodeJS library to keep an eye on your memory usage, and discover and isolate leaks.
203. Pixie
A small, fast, native lisp with "magical" powers
✭ 2,304
204. Libgo
Go-style concurrency in C++11
205. Mailcore2
MailCore 2 provide a simple and asynchronous API to work with e-mail protocols IMAP, POP and SMTP. The API has been redesigned from ground up.
207. Io
Io programming language. Inspired by Self, Smalltalk and LISP.
208. Qmq
QMQ是去哪儿网内部广泛使用的消息中间件,自2012年诞生以来在去哪儿网所有业务场景中广泛的应用,包括跟交易息息相关的订单场景; 也包括报价搜索等高吞吐量场景。
209. Dnscat2
No description, website, or topics provided.
210. Crosswalk
A web runtime built on Chrome. This project is currently unmaintained.
212. Flownet2 Pytorch
Pytorch implementation of FlowNet 2.0: Evolution of Optical Flow Estimation with Deep Networks
213. Pycrypto
The Python Cryptography Toolkit
✭ 2,343
214. Otto
Sampler, Sequencer, Multi-engine synth and effects - in a box! [WIP]
215. Adafruit neopixel
Arduino library for controlling single-wire LED pixels (NeoPixel, WS2812, etc.)
✭ 2,459
217. Susi server
SUSI.AI server backend - the Artificial Intelligence server for personal assistants
218. Tor
unofficial git repo -- report bugs/issues/pull requests on --
219. Horndis
Android USB tethering driver for Mac OS X
221. Chaiscript
Embedded Scripting Language Designed for C++
222. U2f Zero
U2F USB token optimized for physical security, affordability, and style
223. Android Database Sqlcipher
Android SQLite API based on SQLCipher
✭ 2,409
224. Owasp Modsecurity Crs
OWASP ModSecurity Core Rule Set (CRS) Project (Official Repository)
225. Photon
Minimal Linux container host
226. Minecraft One Week Challenge
I challenged myself to see if I could create a voxel game (Minecraft-like) in just one week using C++ and OpenGL, and here is the result
✭ 2,355
229. Rpitx
RF transmitter for Raspberry Pi
230. Gear Lib
Gear-Lib, C library for IOT Embedded Multimedia and Network
234. Spectacle
Spectacle allows you to organize your windows without using a mouse.
235. Catch2
A modern, C++-native, test framework for unit-tests, TDD and BDD - using C++14, C++17 and later (C++11 support is in v2.x branch, and C++03 on the Catch1.x branch)
236. Faiss
A library for efficient similarity search and clustering of dense vectors.
237. Firesheep
A Firefox extension that demonstrates HTTP session hijacking attacks.
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238. React Native Sqlite Storage
Full featured SQLite3 Native Plugin for React Native (Android and iOS)
239. Deepvariant
DeepVariant is an analysis pipeline that uses a deep neural network to call genetic variants from next-generation DNA sequencing data.
240. Mangohud
A Vulkan and OpenGL overlay for monitoring FPS, temperatures, CPU/GPU load and more. Discord:
241. Include What You Use
A tool for use with clang to analyze #includes in C and C++ source files
✭ 2,608
242. Sourcekit Lsp
Language Server Protocol implementation for Swift and C-based languages
243. Cs Notes
244. Librecad
LibreCAD is a cross-platform 2D CAD program written in C++11 using the Qt framework. It can read DXF and DWG files and can write DXF, PDF and SVG files. The user interface is highly customizable, and has dozens of translations.
245. Vmaf
Perceptual video quality assessment based on multi-method fusion.
247. Cpp primer practice
搞定C++👊。C++ Primer 中文版第5版学习仓库,包括笔记和课后练习答案。
✭ 3,295
248. Spksrc
Cross compilation framework to create native packages for the Synology's NAS
249. Chipsec
Platform Security Assessment Framework