Top 127 fsharp open source projects

52. Fsconfig
FsConfig is a F# library for reading configuration data from environment variables and AppSettings with type safety.
53. Rider Content
A curated list of content around JetBrains Rider
54. Dmmf
Implementing Scott Wlaschin's “Domain Modeling Made Functional” in Rust, Elm, F♯, and ReasonML
55. Npgsql.fsharp.analyzer
F# analyzer that provides embedded SQL syntax analysis, type-checking for parameters and result sets and nullable column detection when writing queries using Npgsql.FSharp.
56. Fsharp.control.fusiontasks
F# Async workflow <--> .NET Task/ValueTask easy seamless interoperability library.
58. Netcorecli Fsc
[DEPRECATED] F# and .NET Core SDK working together
59. Expression
Pragmatic functional programming for Python inspired by F#
60. Cafeapp
A Real World Business Application using F# and Suave
61. Aardvark.rendering
The dependency-aware, high-performance aardvark rendering engine. This repo is part of aardvark - an open-source platform for visual computing, real-time graphics and visualization.
62. Suave
Suave is a simple web development F# library providing a lightweight web server and a set of combinators to manipulate route flow and task composition.
63. Furl
Interact with HTTP resources using F# scripting
64. Simplecqrs Fsharp
Simple CQRS implemented with F#
65. Aspnet Starter Kit 2.0
Cross-platform web development with Visual Studio Code, C#, F#, JavaScript, ASP.NET Core, React (ReactJS), Redux, TypeScript. Single-page application boilerplate.
66. Elmish.calculator
Calculator written using Elmish.XamarinForms (full Elmish, no XAML)
67. Donald
A simple F# interface for ADO.NET.
68. Snowflaqe
A dotnet CLI tool to work with GraphQL queries: static query verification, type checking and code generating type-safe clients for F# and Fable.
A library for incremental computations. Based on janestreet/incremental ( for OCaml.
70. Waypoint
Opinionated solution template for building F# OSS libraries and tools.
71. Fable Material Ui
Fable bindings for Material-UI
72. Funogram
F# Telegram Bot Api library
73. Fsharp.core.fluent
Fluent members for F# FSharp.Core functions
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74. Fblazorshop
This is a port of Steve Sanderson's Pizza Workshop for Blazor by using F# and Bolero.
75. Dependenttypes
experiments with @robkuz LimitedValue type
✭ 57
76. Fable.simplehttp
Http with Fable, made simple.
77. Dustedcodes
My personal website - an Open Source ASP.NET Core Blog built with Giraffe.
OpenNLP for .NET
79. Legivel
F# Yaml 1.2 parser
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80. Cvdm.errorhandling
[DEPRECATED, use FsToolkit.ErrorHandling] AsyncResult and Result computation expressions and helper functions for error handling in F#
81. Scrutiny
Randomly test state machines (such as your UI) by randomly navigating through transitions
82. Fsharp Worksheet
A spreadsheet-like interactive evaluator for F#
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83. Fssqldom
Library for SQL parsing, AST manipulation and SQL generation in F#
84. Fabulous Simple Elements
An alternative view rendering API for Fabulous (Elmish Xamarin.Forms) that is easy to use and simple to read, inspired by Elmish on the web.
85. Feliz.materialui
Feliz-style Fable bindings for Material-UI
86. Dotnet Mono
dotnet utility to run .net full apps using mono on OSX/Linux
88. Persimmon
A unit test framework for F# using computation expressions.
89. Dotnet Delice
📑 A CLI to help you get insight into your projects' licenses
90. Interactive
.NET Interactive takes the power of .NET and embeds it into your interactive experiences. Share code, explore data, write, and learn across your apps in ways you couldn't before.
91. Suave.swagger
This is an extension for with some REST tools and Swagger documentation helpers
92. Microsoft.codeanalysis.activepatterns
F# Active pattern library for Roslyn Compiler Platform (C#, VB)
93. Fsharp Data Processing Pipeline
Provides an extensible solution for creating Data Processing Pipelines in F#.
94. Fscheck
Random Testing for .NET
95. Mobius
C# and F# language binding and extensions to Apache Spark
96. Fsfirestore
Functional F# library to access Firestore database hosted on Google Cloud Platform (GCP) or Firebase.
97. Mondocks
An alternative way to interact with MongoDB databases from F# that allows you to use mongo-idiomatic constructs
98. Project System
The .NET Project System for Visual Studio
99. Bolero
Bolero brings Blazor to F# developers with an easy to use Model-View-Update architecture, HTML combinators, hot reloaded templates, type-safe endpoints, advanced routing and remoting capabilities, and more.
100. Ionide Vscode Fsharp
VS Code plugin for F# development
51-100 of 127 fsharp projects