Top 75241 HTML open source projects

751. Cufon
Fast text replacement with canvas and VML - no Flash or images required.
752. Bootstrap Form Builder
Web app for drag drop building bootstrap forms.
753. Xbin Store
模仿国内知名B2C网站,实现的一个分布式B2C商城 使用Spring Boot 自动配置 Dubbox / MVC / MyBatis / Druid / Solr / Redis 等。使用Spring Cloud版本请查看
754. Shave
💈 Shave is a 0 dep JS plugin that truncates text to fit within an element based on a set max-height ✁
756. Swipetoloadlayout
A reusable pull-to-refresh and pull-to-loadmore widget
✭ 2,112
757. Echarts Gl
Extension pack for Apache ECharts, providing globe visualization and 3D plots.
758. Ann Benchmarks
Benchmarks of approximate nearest neighbor libraries in Python
759. Dragonfly
A Ruby gem for on-the-fly processing - suitable for image uploading in Rails, Sinatra and much more!
✭ 2,112
760. Htmlpurifier
Standards compliant HTML filter written in PHP
✭ 2,391
761. Kong Dashboard
Dashboard for managing Kong gateway
763. Vue Color
🎨 Vue Color Pickers for Sketch, Photoshop, Chrome & more
765. Smoothie
Smoothie Charts: smooooooth JavaScript charts for realtime streaming data
766. Github Trending Repos
Track GitHub trending repositories in your favorite programming language by native GitHub notifications!
768. Mama2
✭ 2,093
771. Indigo
🍜 Minimalist Jekyll Template, dark and light themes
772. Academiccontent
Free tech resources for faculty, students, researchers, life-long learners, and academic community builders for use in tech based courses, workshops, and hackathons.
773. Wmail
The missing desktop client for Gmail & Google Inbox
775. Accessibility Developer Tools
This is a library of accessibility-related testing and utility code.
778. Gaia
DEPRECATED - Gaia is a HTML5-based Phone UI for the Boot 2 Gecko Project. NOTE: For details of what branches are used for what releases, see
779. Sharetribe
Sharetribe Go is a source available marketplace software, also available as a hosted, no-code SaaS product. For a headless, API-first marketplace solution, check out Sharetribe Flex:
780. Jwt Decode
Decode JWT tokens; useful for browser applications.
782. Humane Js
humane.js tries to be as unobtrusive as possible to the user experience while providing helpful information that is clear and grabs the users attention. It is framework independent. Customizable.
783. Oss Browser
OSS Browser 提供类似windows资源管理器功能。用户可以很方便的浏览文件,上传下载文件,支持断点续传等。
785. Crawler illegal cases in china
Collection of China illegal cases about web crawler 本项目用来整理所有中国大陆爬虫开发者涉诉与违规相关的新闻、资料与法律法规。致力于帮助在中国大陆工作的爬虫行业从业者了解我国相关法律,避免触碰数据合规红线。 [AD]中文知识图谱门户
786. Knock
Seamless JWT authentication for Rails API
787. Violentmonkey
Violentmonkey provides userscripts support for browsers. It works on browsers with WebExtensions support.
788. Monodroid Samples
A collection of Xamarin.Android sample projects.
789. Ci
Open source, self hosted, mobile optimized CI powered by fastlane
791. Rasterizehtml.js
Renders HTML into the browser's canvas
✭ 2,170
794. Quojs
Micro #JavaScript Library for Mobile Devices
795. Uvccamera
library and sample to access to UVC web camera on non-rooted Android device
797. Nginx Push Stream Module
A pure stream http push technology for your Nginx setup. Comet made easy and really scalable.
798. Attic Predictionio
PredictionIO, a machine learning server for developers and ML engineers.