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Top 1816 blockchain open source projects

Awesome Stellar
👨‍🚀 A curated list of Stellar applications, blog posts, educational resources, tools, and more.
Flow Cli
The Flow CLI is a command-line interface that provides useful utilities for building Flow applications
Lisk Explorer
📦 Lisk blockchain explorer
♨️ 分享GitHub优秀开源项目和主流开发使用的网站、解决问题方案收集以及学习网站或资料,涵盖了iOS, macOS X, Blockchain, Flutter, Weex, H5, Games, C++, Script等多方面的内容,其中iOS大致包涵以下内容:音视频;IM和直播;逆向开发;图像相关(OpenGL, Metal, GPUImage);内购(IAP), ApplePay和第三方支付;安全攻防和应用加固, 数据安全和算法;常用第三方库;导航栏和状态栏;侧边菜单;数据持久;蓝牙, 手势指纹面容ID解锁, 图片浏览器, 扫码, 下拉和上拉刷新, 指示器, Toast, Menu, Sensor, Privacy, WebView和进度条, 动画, 选择器, 搜索, 分享, 图片验证码, 设备相关信息, 广告, 高仿项目及Demo等。
Just a really simple, insecure and incomplete implementation of a blockchain for a cryptocurrency made in Python as educational material. In other words, a simple Bitcoin clone.
General interoperability framework for trustless cross-system interaction
Fabric Gateway Java
Hyperledger Fabric Gateway SDK for Java
Libra Wallet Poc
💰POC Libra wallet
Open Bounty
Enable communities to distribute funds to push their cause forward.
Go Web3
Ethereum Go Client [obsolete]
crypto currency library for trading & market making bots, account management, and data analysis
Bitcoin book 2nd
Mastering Bitcoin 2nd Edition 精通比特币(第二版)-- 区块链编程
ChainKit is a toolkit for blockchain development. It includes primitives for creating, building and running decentralized applications.
Ethereumjs Blockchain
Project is in active development and has been moved to the EthereumJS VM monorepo.
Mosaic Contracts
Mosaic-0: Gateways and anchors on top of Ethereum to scale DApps
A middleware framework and persistence layer to aggregate and normalize crypto-currency data.
DDN, Data Delivery Network, a next generation blockchain system
Fabric Explorer
Fabric-explorer is a simple, powerful, maintainable, open source fabric explorer
Cyb Archeology
🌎 Personal immortal robot for the The Great Web
Desktop wallet for the Hive blockchain
Multi Party Schnorr
Rust implementation of multi-party Schnorr signatures over elliptic curves.
An example Bitcoin implementation which can be used to learn about Bitcoin/Blockchain. This implementations is for educational use only!
Coursera Cryptocurrency
Assignments from the Coursera course "Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Technologies"
Rust Abci
A rust implementation of the ABCI protocol for tendermint core
Oasis Core
Performant and Confidentiality-Preserving Smart Contracts + Blockchains
星云链 DApp 客户端开发框架,轻量,易用 | Lightweight and friendly util library for DApp development on Nebulas Blockchain.
➿ 💡 My Udacity projects that I have made to improve my skills and complete my nanodegree. Please don't use it to copy the projects. Submit the PR if you want something to be added to this repository.
A library for building dApps on the Tezos Blockchain - JavaScript / TypeScript
The official Musicoin Desktop Wallet Application
Eth Cli
CLI swiss army knife for Ethereum developers
Hydro Scaffold Dex
A Decentralized Exchange Scaffold - launch a DEX in minutes
Bitcoin payable
A rails bitcoin payment processing gem
A general framework for blockchain analytics
Composer Sample Applications
⚠️ ⚠️ ⚠️ Hyperledger Composer has been deprecated ⚠️ ⚠️ ⚠️
My First Bitcoin Miner
For the curious minds who want to understand how Bitcoin Blockchain works!
Backend Ico Dashboard
Free & open-source dashboard for your next ICO, crowdsale or tokensale
Flow Go
A fast, secure, and developer-friendly blockchain built to support the next generation of games, apps, and the digital assets that power them.
Awesome Iota
A community driven list of useful IOTA blogs, articles, videos and tools.
Dex Protocols
A list of protocols for decentralized exchange
Flow Go Sdk
Tools for building Go applications on Flow 🌊
Iroha Android
Android library for Iroha, a Distributed Ledger Technology (blockchain) platform.
Ouroboros Network
An implementation of the Ouroboros family of consensus algorithms, with its networking support
A tool for developing smart contracts. Crafted with the finest cacaos.
Ot Node
OriginTrail network node
Web3js Tracker Example
Blockchain transactions tracker example for ETH and ERC20 tokens made with web3.js
Official Go implementation of the Klaytn protocol
✭ 107
241-300 of 1816 blockchain projects