Top 2512 flutter open source projects

Flutter package for prompting users to upgrade when there is a newer version of the app in the store.
Open file
A plug-in that can call native APP to open files with string result in flutter, support iOS(UTI) / android(intent) / PC(ffi) / web(dart:html)
Flutter video compress
Generate a new file by compressed video, and provide metadata. Get video thumbnail from a video path, supports JPEG/GIF. To reduce app size not using FFmpeg in IOS.
Implementation of Neumorphism user interface consisting of sets of principles and widgets for the Flutter framework
Developed a Group chat application using Flutter and Firebase, where users can register and create groups or join already existing groups and start conversing with each other.
Inshorts Clone The News App
inshorts News App Clone with flutter and API
Kf drawer
Flutter drawer (dynamic ready side menu)
Flutter demo
A beautiful app designed with Material Design by using Flutter.
This plugin allows to kindly ask users to rate your app if custom conditions are met (eg. install time, number of launches, etc...).
Flutter hand tracking plugin
这是一个 Flutter Packge 以实现摄像头精确追踪并识别十指的运动路径/轨迹和手势动作, 且输出22个手部关键点以支持更多手势自定义. 基于这个包可以编写业务逻辑将手势信息实时转化为指令信息: 一二三四五, rock, spiderman...还可以对不同手势编写不同特效. 可用于短视频直播特效, 智能硬件等领域, 为人机互动带来更自然丰富的体验
Flutter Timeline
⌚️ A general flutter timeline widget based on real-world application references
Awesome Flutter Cn
Flutter linkify
Turns text URLs and emails into clickable inline links in text for Flutter
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Flutter pattern formatter
A Flutter package provides some implementations of TextInputFormatter that format input with pre-defined patterns
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Easy page navigation and management in Flutter apps.
Dart Lint
An opinionated, community-driven set of lint rules for Dart and Flutter projects. Like pedantic but stricter
📅 Customizable flutter calendar widget including day and week views
Flutter Rs
Build beautiful desktop apps with flutter and rust. 🌠 (wip)
Alipay kit
Reflectly Login Screen
Inspired by Reflectly Login Screen Page in Flutter App
Done it
DoneIt is a sample note app 📝 Flutter application 📱 built to demonstrate use of Clean Architecture tools. Dedicated to all Flutter Developers with ❤️.
Dart Xml
Lightweight library for parsing, traversing, and transforming XML in Dart.
Flutter slidable
A Flutter implementation of slidable list item with directional slide actions.
Do you need logs? Lumberdash is the answer!
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Sonar Flutter
SonarQube plugin for Flutter / Dart
Flutter xupdate
A Flutter plugin for XUpdate(Android Version Update Library)
Flutter Coolapk
flutter coolapk, 酷安 Flutter版(第三方)酷安, 酷安Windows版, 酷安Linux版
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Flutter Starter Kit
A Flutter Starter Kit (Boilerplate) to kick-start your next Android and iOS app
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Recipe App Flutter Ui
A nice clean recipe app UI using flutter.
Pixez Flutter
一个支持免代理直连及查看动图的第三方Pixiv flutter客户端
A weather app built to learn how to use Canvas and Animation in Flutter.
Flutter - NeteaseCloudMusic Flutter 版本的网易云音乐
Flutter alipay
A flutter plugin to use alipay.
Flutter amap
A Flutter plugin use amap.高德地图flutter组件
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Dart Tour
Modal progress hud
A simple modal progress HUD (heads-up display, or progress indicator) for flutter
Flutter Snippets
An IntelliJ IDEA & Android Studio plugin that adds Live Templates to your IDE saving time writing the boilerplate in Flutter.
Nice Knowledge System
📚不积跬步无以至千里,每天进步一点点,Passion,Self-regulation,Love and Share
Open source Flutter-based template for a business assistant application
A simple mobile app developed with Flutter to visualize Covid19 statistics 🦠
Flutter firebase starter
Flutter firebase starter project
A fully functional Instagram clone written in Flutter using Firebase / Firestore
Analog clock
⌚️Analog Clock widget for Flutter ⏰
Koukicons flutter
🍪 Colorful Icons for your Flutter App
Reactive forms
This is a model-driven approach to handling form inputs and validations, heavily inspired in Angular's Reactive Forms
Rich editor
This is an RichEditor for the Flutter platform.
A boilerplate project for Flutter
K chart
Maybe it is the best k chart in Flutter.
Flutter shine.dart
Flutter Shine is a library for pretty and realistic shadows, dynamic light positions, extremely customizable shadows, no library dependencies, text or box shadows based on content.
Get a professional App Landing page for your app for FREE
Flutter geocoder
Flutter plugin for forward and reverse geocoding
Opengl texture widget example
Demo Flutter plugin to present OpenGL render in widgets tree
Flutter parsed text
A Flutter package to parse text and make them into linkified text widget
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Model viewer.dart
A Flutter widget for rendering interactive 3D models in the glTF and GLB formats.
Fluent Reader Lite
Simplistic mobile RSS client built with Flutter
301-360 of 2512 flutter projects