Top 12 knexjs open source projects

Node.js / GraphQL project template pre-configured with TypeScript, PostgreSQL, login flow, transactional emails, unit tests, CI/CD workflow.
A micro-framework for bidirectional mapping between relational datastores and GraphQL APIs (powered by Node.js)
Adds support for dynamically returning connection config for knex queries. Helpful when you want to deal with write/read replicas
The fastest way to create a simple Rest API, by defining database models and relations.
👥 Plataforma de estudos online, onde é possível conectar alunos com professores. Este é um projeto que foi desenvolvido durante a Next Level Week #2 da @Rocketseat, durante os dias 3 à 7 de agosto de 2020.
A modular structured app to start you next nodejs project.
1-12 of 12 knexjs projects