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Top 3245 kubernetes open source projects

Wlm Operator
Singularity implementation of k8s operator for interacting with SLURM.
Deploy Development Builds of Open Cluster Management (OCM) on RedHat Openshift Container Platform
My Own Kind
Build a verifiably conformant kubernetes cluster in containers.
Terraform - Beginners | Intermediate | Advanced
Kvm Operator
Handles Kubernetes clusters running on a Kubernetes cluster with workers and masters in KVMs on bare metal
Kubernetes Scripts
Useful scripts for operating Kubernetes
Clj On K8s Quickstart
Clojure on Kubernetes, the fast way.
Helm Elasticstack
Kubernetes Helm Charts and Tools to run Elastic Stack(ELK) on Azure Container Service(AKS)
Kubectl Cssh
A kubectl plugin to ssh into Kubernetes nodes within separate tmux panes
Kube Backup
Kubernetes resource yamls backup to git
Client Go
Kubernetes client-go utilities
Kubernetes Graphite Cluster
StatsD + Graphite cluster on top of Kubernetes
Kube Linter
KubeLinter is a static analysis tool that checks Kubernetes YAML files and Helm charts to ensure the applications represented in them adhere to best practices.
K8s Offline
Offline installation package for kubernetes.
A build flow tool for Docker.
K8s Client
Ruby Kubernetes API client
Sas Container Recipes
A collection of recipes and other resources for building containers that include SAS Viya software.
Openfaas Flux
OpenFaaS Kubernetes cluster state management with FluxCD
K Vswitch
k-vswitch is an easy-to-operate, performant and secure Kubernetes networking plugin based on Open vSwitch
A collection of cluster reliability tools for Kubernetes
Awesome Cloud Native Tutorials
A curated list of tutorials and labs for learning cloud native concepts
Osb Starter Pack
A quickstart for making a new Open Service Broker
In-Cluster templating for Kubernetes manifests
Continuous Delivery for Kubernetes
Testing in Production (TiP) Framework for Docker
Kube Api Exporter
A Prometheus exporter for Kubernetes API numbers
Kubevirt Ansible
Set of Ansible roles & playbooks for KubeVirt deployment
Microservices reference app showcasing a range of technologies, platforms & methodologies
Container Security Operator
Identify image vulnerabilities in Kubernetes pods
Execute Terraform on Kubernetes
Openstack Helm
Caasp Salt
A collection of salt states used to provision a kubernetes cluster
Shell Operator
Shell-operator is a tool for running event-driven scripts in a Kubernetes cluster
👗The Lolita Fashion Library 👒
Gke Network Policy Demo
This guide demonstrates how to improve the security of your Kubernetes Engine by applying fine-grained restrictions to network communication. You will provision a simple HTTP server and two client pods in a Kubernetes Engine cluster, then use a Network Policy restrict connections from client pods.
Kubernetes Community Days
📅 Kubernetes Community Days website
A tool for bootstrapping Kubernetes
Gettext Go
🆎 GNU gettext for Go (Imported By Kubernetes)
Kubernetes Handbook
Kubernetes中文指南/云原生应用架构实践手册 -
A command-line tool that helps you ship changes to a Kubernetes namespace and understand the result
✭ 1,144
OpenCompose - A higher level abstraction for Kubernetes Resource
Video Transcode Queue
A sample video upload platform as a kubernetes cluster (WIP)
Kubectl Capture
A kubectl plugin which triggers a Sysdig capture
Runs, manages, and autoscales web services on Mesos and Kubernetes
Autocluster and Autoheal for EMQ X Broker
Cloud Native Labs
The Labs for Cloud Native Roadshow on OpenShift
Relax, we got this.
Kube Score
Kubernetes object analysis with recommendations for improved reliability and security
Kubernetes Learning
Helm Secrets
DEPRECATED A helm plugin that help manage secrets with Git workflow and store them anywhere
Etcd Cluster Operator
A controller to deploy and manage etcd clusters inside of Kubernetes
841-900 of 3245 kubernetes projects