Top 45 mtcnn open source projects

Mtcnn caffe
Simple implementation of kpzhang93's paper from Matlab to c++, and don't change models.
✭ 244
Webcam face recognition using tensorflow and opencv
This is an implematation project of face detection and recognition. The face detection using MTCNN algorithm, and recognition using LightenenCNN algorithm.
Keras Mtcnn
mtcnn face detection transplanted to keras
MTCNN face detection implementation for TensorFlow, as a PIP package.
Face Detector based on MTCNN, tensorflow and golang
Tensorflow Mtcnn
C++ and python Inference only for MTCNN face detector on Tensorflow. Based on davidsandberg's facenet project:
Awesome Face Detection
Compare with various detectors - s3fd, dlib, ocv, ocv-dnn, mtcnn-pytorch, face_recognition
Joint Face Detection And Alignment
Caffe and Python implementation of Joint Face Detection and Alignment using Multi-task Cascaded Convolutional Networks
A re-implementation of mtcnn. Joint training, tutorial and deployment together.
Ncnn Mtcnn
It is a mtcnn project based on ncnn
Face Recognition Cpp
Real Time Face Recognition Detector. Over 30FPS on CPU!
Face Recognition
A framework for creating and using a Face Recognition system.
Opencv Mtcnn
An implementation of MTCNN Face detector using OpenCV's DNN module
Deep learning face detection and recognition, implemented by pytorch. (pytorch实现的人脸检测和人脸识别)
Tensorrt demos
TensorRT YOLOv4, YOLOv3, SSD, MTCNN, and GoogLeNet
Mtcnn Caffe
Joint Face Detection and Alignment using Multi-task Cascaded Convolutional Neural Networks
Mtcnn ncnn
Face Track Detect Extract
💎 Detect , track and extract the optimal face in multi-target faces (exclude side face and select the optimal face).
全平台实时人脸检测和姿态估计,提供无需任何框架实现Realtime Face Detection and Head pose estimation on Windows、Ubuntu、Mac、Android and iOS
Tensorflow Mtcnn
Face Everthing
face detection alignment recognition reconstruction ...
C++ project to implement MTCNN, a perfect face detect algorithm, on different DL frameworks. The most popular frameworks: caffe/mxnet/tensorflow, are all suppported now
pytorch implementation of face detection algorithm MTCNN
MTCNN_Training Scripts For Face Detection with PyTorch 0.4.0
facenet mtcnn tensorflow inference engine
This is a modified and simplified inference engine of davidsandberg's facenet
Deep Learning based Web Application for marking attendance of students by recognizing the student's faces from the surveillance video footage of classroom.
I have published my face related codes in this repository
face-detection based on MTCNN and TensorFlow
mtcnn tf
MTCNN implement by tensorflow. Easy to training and testing.
Large input size REAL-TIME Face Detector on Cpp. It can also support face verification using MobileFaceNet+Arcface with real-time inference. 480P Over 30FPS on CPU
This project provide a single tensorflow model implement the mtcnn face detector. And it shows how to convert model from caffe to tensorflow in a hard way.
mtcnn python implementation based on Caffe framework
1-45 of 45 mtcnn projects