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Top 267 raspberrypi open source projects

Rpi Vk Driver
VK driver for the Raspberry Pi (Broadcom Videocore IV)
Q3lite, an OpenGL ES port of Quake III Arena for embedded Linux systems.
Pi Bluetooth Obd
Connect Raspberry Pi with Bluetooth OBD adapter and collect real-time car data.
Raspberrypi tempmon
Raspberry pi CPU temperature monitor with many functions such as logging, GPIO output, graphing, email, alarm, notifications and stress testing. Python 3.
tool to monitor full bitcoin node bitcoind-web
RaspiPass - Homepass software for the Raspberry Pi 3
Displays local weather on a Raspberry Pi
PADD (formerly Chronometer2) is a more expansive version of the original that is included with Pi-Hole. PADD provides in-depth information about your Pi-hole.
A .NET/Mono IO Library for Raspberry Pi This library is a complete refactoring of Raspberry-Sharp libraries, merged into one library and updated to RB3, CM3 and RB3+
Blinkt go examples
The beginning of Blinkt examples programs in Go
Pi4j V2
Pi4J Version 2.0 - Experimental
Freedom Maker
The FreedomBox image builder. Read-only mirror of
Pi Builder
Extensible tool to build Arch Linux ARM for Raspberry Pi on x86_64 host using Docker
Respeaker for raspberrypi
Examples to use ReSpeaker series Mic Arrays on Raspberry Pi
Fabscanpi Build Raspbian
Build Script for FabScanPi Raspbian Images
Wifi Connect
Easy WiFi setup for Linux devices from your mobile phone or laptop
Rpi Monitor
Real time monitoring for embedded devices
Docker Picamera
Docker container for streaming a Raspberry Pi's camera via HTTP/MJPG
Raspberrypi exporter
Prometheus exporter for Raspberry Pi metrics
A prebuilt Linux system use UEFI and f2fs for RaspberryPi 3B, RaspberryPi 3B+, RaspberryPi 4B
Rpi Debian Builder
Build your own Debian image for Raspberry Pi
🏠 A lightweight, buildroot-based Linux operating system alternative for your CCU3, ELV-Charly or for running your IoT "HomeMatic CCU" as a virtual appliance (using ESXi, Proxmox, VirtualBox, Docker/OCI, Kubernetes/K8s, Home Assistant, etc.) or on your own RaspberryPi, Tinkerboard, etc. SBC devices...
Inventory Hunter
⚡️ Get notified as soon as your next CPU, GPU, or game console is in stock
Diy Ipmi
A DIY IPMI / IP KVM system utilizing the Raspberry Pi
FreeNOS (Free Niek's Operating System) is an experimental microkernel based operating system for learning purposes written in C++. You may use the code as you wish under the terms of the GPLv3.
Open Balena
Open source software to manage connected IoT devices
µStreamer - Lightweight and fast MJPG-HTTP streamer
A Rust library that provides access to the Raspberry Pi's GPIO, I2C, PWM, SPI and UART peripherals.
All you need to build Swift on a RaspberryPi or other ARM boards, updated to Swift 5.1.5
A Python package and CLI tool to work with w1 temperature sensors like DS1822, DS18S20 & DS18B20 on the Raspberry Pi, Beagle Bone and other devices.
24h Raspberry Live On Bilibili
The pibooth project provides a Photo Booth application out-of-the-box for Raspberry Pi and opencv compatible devices
A Simplified Docker Swarm or Kubernetes Alternative to Container Scheduling and Orchestration
Balena Wpe
Fullscreen WebKit browser with hardware accelerated CSS, WebGL, and HTML5 video for the RaspberryPi 3.
Pisdr Image
🥧 The SDR Linux Distro for the Raspberry Pi and other SBC. Compatible out of the box with multiple SDR.
Tensorflow Bin
Prebuilt binary with Tensorflow Lite enabled (native build). For RaspberryPi / Jetson Nano. And, solved Tensorflow issues #15062,#21574,#21855,#23082,#25120,#25748,#29617,#29704,#30359. Support for custom operations in MediaPipe.
Remote Command Execution as SYSTEM on Windows IoT Core (releases available for Python2.7 & Python3)
Photo Booth
A multi-platform photo booth software using Electron and your camera
Mobilenet Ssd Realsense
[High Performance / MAX 30 FPS] RaspberryPi3(RaspberryPi/Raspbian Stretch) or Ubuntu + Multi Neural Compute Stick(NCS/NCS2) + RealSense D435(or USB Camera or PiCamera) + MobileNet-SSD(MobileNetSSD) + Background Multi-transparent(Simple multi-class segmentation) + FaceDetection + MultiGraph + MultiProcessing + MultiClustering
Advanced Raspberry Pi FM transmitter with RDS encoding
HomeGenie, the open source, programmable, home automation server for smart connected devices and applications
Application that allows you to monitor the traffic in and out of your building, using the RPi Camera and openFrameworks
Rpi23 Gen Image
Advanced Debian "stretch" and "buster" bootstrap script for RPi 0/1/2/3 and QEMU
PiSugar is a battery module for Raspberry Pi zero / zero W / zero WH
Backup and restore your running Raspberry
Raspberry Pi Cross Compilers
Latest GCC Cross Compiler & Native (ARM & ARM64) CI generated precompiled standalone toolchains for all Raspberry Pis. 🍇
Glodroid manifest
Android manifest for GloDroid (AOSP for the world's most accessible development platforms)
Pigeon is a simple 3D printed cloud home surveillance camera project that uses the new Raspberry Pi Zero W
vendor independent deep learning library, compiler and inference framework microcomputers and micro-controllers
Amazon Alexa Smart home skill / Google Home Action for ESP8266 / ESP32 / Arduino
61-120 of 267 raspberrypi projects