IotwifiRaspberry Pi (arm) wifi configuration container. Configure and control wifi connectivity with a JSON based REST api.
IotsharpIoTSharp is an open-source IoT platform for data collection, processing, visualization, and device management.
Blynk ServerBlynk is an Internet of Things Platform aimed to simplify building mobile and web applications for the Internet of Things. Easily connect 400+ hardware models like Arduino, ESP8266, ESP32, Raspberry Pi and similar MCUs and drag-n-drop IOT mobile apps for iOS and Android in 5 minutes
Mongoose OsMongoose OS - an IoT Firmware Development Framework. Supported microcontrollers: ESP32, ESP8266, CC3220, CC3200, STM32F4, STM32L4, STM32F7. Amazon AWS IoT, Microsoft Azure, Google IoT Core integrated. Code in C or JavaScript.
Homebridge DafangHomebridge Plugin for Xiaomi Dafang / Wyze Cam IP Camera => Hey Siri, Start Video Recording
MqttnetMQTTnet is a high performance .NET library for MQTT based communication. It provides a MQTT client and a MQTT server (broker). The implementation is based on the documentation from
Angular5 Iot DashboardMultipurpose dashboard admin for IoT softwares, remote control, user interface. Develop your client dashboards in Angular 5 with vast variety of components available.
Lib PythonBlynk IoT library for Python and Micropython
MsgfloDistributed Flow-Based Programming via message queues
SwifitchSwifitch is ESP8266 based relay board that could be used to turn any light or any wall socket into smart one!
Iot Technical Guide🐝 IoT Technical Guide --- 从零搭建高性能物联网平台及物联网解决方案和Thingsboard源码分析 ✨ ✨ ✨ (IoT Platform, SaaS, MQTT, CoAP, HTTP, Modbus, OPC, WebSocket, 物模型,Protobuf, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Spring Security, OAuth2, RuleEngine, Kafka, Docker)
Jetlinks CommunityJetLinks 基于Java8,Spring Boot 2.x ,WebFlux,Netty,Vert.x,Reactor等开发, 是一个全响应式的企业级物联网平台。支持统一物模型管理,多种设备,多种厂家,统一管理。统一设备连接管理,多协议适配(TCP,MQTT,UDP,CoAP,HTTP等),屏蔽网络编程复杂性,灵活接入不同厂家不同协议等设备。实时数据处理,设备告警,消息通知,数据转发。地理位置,数据可视化等。能帮助你快速建立物联网相关业务系统。
MainfluxIndustrial IoT Messaging and Device Management Platform
Temp MonitorInternet of Things data platform for temperature and humidity sensors with maps
Gap sdkSDK for Greenwaves Technologies' GAP8 IoT Application Processor
IotplatformAn open-source IoT platform that enables rapid development, management and scaling of IoT projects. With this IoT platform, you are able to: 1) Provision and control devices, 2) Collect and visualize data from devices, 3) Analyze device data and trigger alarms, 4) Deliver device data to other systems, 5) Enable use-case specific features using customizable rules and plugins.
PharothingsLive programming platform for IoT projects based on Pharo
ThingsboardOpen-source IoT Platform - Device management, data collection, processing and visualization.
Open Smart Grid PlatformThis repository combines the code from and supersedes the prior existing Shared, Platform, Protocol-Adapter-OSLP, Protocol-Adapter-IEC61850, Protocol-Adapter-DLMS, PublicLightingDemoApp and Integration-Tests repositories. The old repositories have been kept online for now in readonly mode to preserve the historical information.
Cbj smart HomeIf you are searching for an easy way to deploy a smart home 🏡 by yourself CyBear Jinni 🦾🐻🧞♂️ is here for you. Join the community and make your home smarter than yesterday.
Node Opcuaan implementation of a OPC UA stack fully written in javascript and nodejs -
Streamsx.messagingThis toolkit is focused on interacting with popular messaging systems such as Kafka, JMS, XMS, and MQTT. After release v5.4.2 the complete toolkit will be deprecated. See the file for hints to alternative toolkits.
Imiximix Low-Power IoT Research Platform
SitewhereSiteWhere is an industrial strength open-source application enablement platform for the Internet of Things (IoT). It provides a multi-tenant microservice-based infrastructure that includes device/asset management, data ingestion, big-data storage, and integration through a modern, scalable architecture. SiteWhere provides REST APIs for all system functionality. SiteWhere provides SDKs for many common device platforms including Android, iOS, Arduino, and any Java-capable platform such as Raspberry Pi rapidly accelerating the speed of innovation.
Guilite✔️The smallest header-only GUI library(4 KLOC) for all platforms
GrovepiGrovePi is an open source platform for connecting Grove Sensors to the Raspberry Pi.
Awesome IotAwesome IoT. A collaborative list of great resources about IoT Framework, Library, OS, Platform
Blynk LibraryBlynk library for embedded hardware. Works with Arduino, ESP8266, Raspberry Pi, Intel Edison/Galileo, LinkIt ONE, Particle Core/Photon, Energia, ARM mbed, etc.
HarmonyosA curated list of awesome things related to HarmonyOS. 华为鸿蒙操作系统。
Openremote100% open-source IoT Platform - Integrate your assets, create rules, and visualize your data
SinricPro GenericSimple way to control your IOT development boards like ESP8226, ESP32, Arduino SAMD21, Adafruit SAMD21, SAMD51, nRF52, STM32, Teensy, SAM DUE with Amazon Alexa or Google Home
NMSISNuclei Microcontroller Software Interface Standard Development Repo
eva3Industrial/Enterprise and home IoT automation platform
pitaya-goAn Open-Source IoT Development Platform with Multiprotocol Wireless Connectivity
BlueSense🌈 BlueSense is a long-term project for monitoring Shanghai environment data.
IoTManagerЭто модульная система автоматизации на базе ESP32/ESP8266 микроконтроллеров и приложения IoT Manager.
syhthems-platformsyhthems platform 是一个开源的IoT(物联网)平台。可以实现物联网产品的创建和管理、数据流的管理、终端设备的管理以及设备数据的图表形态查看。
StressThinga software testing platform to perform stress test on web of things
kotoriA flexible data historian based on InfluxDB, Grafana, MQTT and more. Free, open, simple.
IoT-Technical-Guide🐝 IoT Technical Guide --- 从零搭建高性能物联网平台及物联网解决方案和Thingsboard源码分析 ✨ ✨ ✨ (IoT Platform, SaaS, MQTT, CoAP, HTTP, Modbus, OPC, WebSocket, 物模型,Protobuf, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Spring Security, OAuth2, RuleEngine, Kafka, Docker)
thinkimfthinkimf 一个基于PHP7的创新互联网框架,驱动物联网,智联网,职业规划 hinkIMF ,PHP IOT FRAMEWORK
nymeaThe nymea IoT server repository.
WindowsIoTEverywhereImages & drivers to get WIndows 10 IoT running on off-the-shelf tablets, mini-pcs, and various computers.
QSimpleScadaQt based simple SCADA framework, with dashboard, static and dynamic components
SecureFiwareProposing security measures and security analysis in the Fiware IoT environment.
synpseSynpse is an all-in-one solution to manage your servers and IoT devices providing declarative app deployment, SSH access and TCP tunnels