Dwx Zeromq ConnectorWrapper library for algorithmic trading in Python 3, providing DMA/STP access to Darwinex liquidity via a ZeroMQ-enabled MetaTrader Bridge EA.
NetmqA 100% native C# implementation of ZeroMQ for .NET
Zmq4[WIP] Pure-Go implementation of ZeroMQ-4
ChumakPure Erlang implementation of ZeroMQ Message Transport Protocol.
FedmsgFederated Messaging with ZeroMQ
SaltSoftware to automate the management and configuration of any infrastructure or application at scale. Get access to the Salt software package repository here:
Unity3d Python Communication⚡️ A very fast, simple, and general inter-process communication example between Unity3D C# and Python, using ZeroMQ
TxzmqZeroMQ bindings for Twisted
SmoothstreamWebcam, PiCamera streaming over the network with Python made easy.
Noteslet me know if my notes help you :D (it's a mess, I know)
FszmqAn F# binding for the ZeroMQ distributed computing library. For more information, please visit:
LzmqLua binding to ZeroMQ
BokehBokeh is a simple, scalable and blazing-fast task queue built on Node.js and ZeroMQ.
GoshareGo Share your TimeSeries/NameSpace/KeyVal DataStore (using leveldb) over HTTP &/or ZeroMQ
Libzmq RsA strict subset of ØMQ with an ergonomic API.
01cnodetool to monitor full bitcoin node bitcoind-web
CppzmqHeader-only C++ binding for libzmq
Zeromq Ng⚡️ Next-generation Node.js bindings to the ZeroMQ library
ZeroeqCross-platform C++ library for fast binary and REST messaging
LibzmqZeroMQ core engine in C++, implements ZMTP/3.1
Eve LiveEVELive provides real-time pricing data for the MMORPG EVE Online
BluezeroMiddleware for distributed applications
Nteract📘 The interactive computing suite for you! ✨
Skygear ServerSkygear - an open source serverless platform for modern secure app development
AiozmqAsyncio (pep 3156) integration with ZeroMQ
SleuthA Go library for master-less peer-to-peer autodiscovery and RPC between HTTP services
GophernotesThe Go kernel for Jupyter notebooks and nteract.
PushpinProxy server for adding push to your API
FacsvatarAn Open Source Modular Framework From Face to FACS Based Avatar Animation (Unity3D / Blender)
re-moteRe-mote operations using SSH and Re-gent
zeroZero: A simple, fast, high performance and low latency Python framework (RPC + PubSub) for building microservices or distributed servers
tormqPush messages via websocket, based on Tornado and ZeroMQ
OpenLogReplicatorOpen Source Oracle database CDC written purely in C++. Reads transactions directly from database redo log files and streams in JSON or Protobuf format to: Kafka, RocketMQ, flat file, network stream (plain TCP/IP or ZeroMQ)
zmosqMQTT/Mosquitto / ZeroMQ proxy
re-gentA Distributed Clojure agent for running remote functions
Westworld-Style-Behavior-Pad-InterfaceUPDATE 20210705: Adding ZeroMQ functions in to allow full-duplex comms with deep parts of the hosts' cognitive processes, and expose speech recognition background processes, visual processes, etc. ORIGINAL DESCRIPTION >>>This is a working version of the iconic Behavior Pad "Rose Graph" Interface that the Westworld Techs use to set Host Behaviora…
zmqZeroMQ based distributed patterns
paStashpastaʃ'ʃ = Spaghetti I/O Event Data Processing, Interpolation, Correlation and beyond 🍝
pony-zmqPure Pony implementation of the ZeroMQ messaging library. 🐴 0️⃣ Ⓜ️ 🍀
zlinkmaking conversation between languages
callosumAn RPC Transport Library for asyncio
napalm-logsCross-vendor normalisation for network syslog messages, following the OpenConfig and IETF YANG models
notification-thingPython-based implementation of Desktop Notifications Specification (notification-daemon)
distmqDistributed Message Queue based on Raft
distributedRLA framework for easy prototyping of distributed reinforcement learning algorithms
BynarServer remediation as a service