SaturnThe's distributed job scheduling platform.
Resources知名互联网企业内推资料整理 持续更新ing 。 目前已经维护五个微信群接近3000人,欢迎你的加入!
FactotumA system to programmatically run data pipelines
Aint Queue🚀 An async-queue library built on top of swoole, flexable multi-consumer, coroutine supported. 基于 Swoole 的一个异步队列库,可弹性伸缩的工作进程池,工作进程协程支持。
Jobwanted找工作 (喜欢就赏颗星星呗!) 【演示地址】:
BullPremium Queue package for handling distributed jobs and messages in NodeJS.
YtaskYTask is an asynchronous task queue for handling distributed jobs in golang(go异步任务框架)
Go QuartzSimple, zero-dependency scheduling library for Go
JobfunnelScrape job websites into a single spreadsheet with no duplicates.
Cize🔌 Continuous integration with the simplest solution
JobJOB, make your short-term command as a long-term job. 将命令行规划成任务的工具
JobsPost your blockchain or Ethereum jobs here
TossitLibrary for distributed job/worker logic.
Latexcv👔 A collection of cv and resume templates written in LaTeX. Leave an issue if your language is not supported!
JeA distributed job execution engine for the execution of batch jobs, workflows, remediations and more.
Bree🚥 The best job scheduler for Node.js and JavaScript with cron, dates, ms, later, and human-friendly support. Works in Node v10+ and browsers, uses workers to spawn sandboxed processes, and supports async/await, retries, throttling, concurrency, and graceful shutdown. Simple, fast, and lightweight. Made for @ForwardEmail and @ladjs.
TaskmanagerA simple、 light(only two file)、fast 、powerful 、easy to use 、easy to extend 、 Android Library To Manager your AsyncTask/Thread/CallBack Jobqueue ! 一个超级简单,易用,轻量级,快速的异步任务管理器,类似于AsyncTask,但是比AsyncTask更好用,更易控制,从此不再写Thread ! ^_^
Antares分布式任务调度平台(Distributed Job Schedule Platform)
Pg BossQueueing jobs in Node.js using PostgreSQL like a boss
BullBull module for Nest framework (node.js) 🐮
Xxl JobA distributed task scheduling framework.(分布式任务调度平台XXL-JOB)
SwiftqueueJob Scheduler for IOS with Concurrent run, failure/retry, persistence, repeat, delay and more
jobs💪 We are hiring great software developers
cron-scheduleA zero-dependency cron parser and scheduler for Node.js, Deno and the browser.
lindaLinda is a simple dispatcher library.
Online-Job-PortalOnline Job Portal project is web application built using PHP, MySQL as backend and HTML JavaScript & Bootstrap as Frontend technologies. Note that this software is developed as an academic project.
thinkgoPublic libraries and components for glang development.
job-plusJob Plus项目是基于SpringBoot+Vue的轻量级定时任务管理系统
schedule-rsAn in-process scheduler for periodic jobs. Schedule lets you run Rust functions on a cron-like schedule.
orkid-nodeReliable and modern Redis Streams based task queue for Node.js 🤖
Python36These are python sample projects which are written in python
parallelizerSimplifies the parallelization of function calls.
wtsqsSimplified Node AWS SQS Worker Wrapper
easy-ansible基于Ansible的自动部署平台-Automatical Deployment Platform Based on Ansible。
frontend-developer-coding-challengeAre your looking for a remote developer job? Solve this frontend developer challenge and show us what you can do and what you are an expert at!