Enqueue Bundle[READ-ONLY] Message queue bundle for Symfony. RabbitMQ, Amazon SQS, Redis, Service bus, Async events, RPC over MQ and a lot more
Redis SmqA simple high-performance Redis message queue for Node.js.
Bee QueueA simple, fast, robust job/task queue for Node.js, backed by Redis.
Enqueue DevMessage Queue, Job Queue, Broadcasting, WebSockets packages for PHP, Symfony, Laravel, Magento. DEVELOPMENT REPOSITORY - provided by Forma-Pro
BullPremium Queue package for handling distributed jobs and messages in NodeJS.
Go QuartzSimple, zero-dependency scheduling library for Go
KueKue is a priority job queue backed by redis, built for node.js.
Django RqA simple app that provides django integration for RQ (Redis Queue)
MicroworkMicrowork - simple creation of distributed scalable microservices in node.js with RabbitMQ
ExqJob processing library for Elixir - compatible with Resque / Sidekiq
QuteePHP Background Jobs (Tasks) Manager
StarterOpinionated SaaS quick-start with pre-built user account and organization system for full-stack application development in React, Node.js, GraphQL and PostgreSQL. Powered by PostGraphile, TypeScript, Apollo Client, Graphile Worker, Graphile Migrate, GraphQL Code Generator, Ant Design and Next.js
Node Job QueueImplementation of a nested asynchronous job queue in Node.js
RqSimple job queues for Python
Gen queueGeneric queues with adapter support for Elixir
HoneydewJob Queue for Elixir. Clustered or Local. Straight BEAM. Optional Ecto. 💪🍈
WorkerHigh performance Node.js/PostgreSQL job queue (also suitable for getting jobs generated by PostgreSQL triggers/functions out into a different work queue)
QueSimple Job Processing in Elixir with Mnesia ⚡️
ArenaAn interactive UI dashboard for Bee Queue
KqKafka-based Job Queue for Python
Laravel Job StatusAdd ability to track Job progress, status and result dispatched to Queue.
ResqueResque is a Redis-backed Ruby library for creating background jobs, placing them on multiple queues, and processing them later.
yerbieA blazing fast job queue built for ease of use and scalability
jobxxLightweight C++ task system
odd-jobsHaskell job queue with admin UI and loads of other features.
rqmonitorFlask based more dynamic and actionable frontend dashboard for monitoring Redis Queue 👩🏿💻 http://python-rq.org
orkid-nodeReliable and modern Redis Streams based task queue for Node.js 🤖
agendash-v2A modern, secure, and reliable dashboard for Agenda with search and pagination capabilities written in vue.js
Lumpik[experimental] Lumpik is a job queue system for general purpose.
mysqlyFull-featured opensource small-overhead PHP data framework for Mysql built for fast and efficient development
arenaAn interactive UI dashboard for Bee, Bull and BullMQ packages