Top 31206 go open source projects

351. Mastering go zh cn
《Mastering GO》中文译本,《玩转 GO》。
✭ 2,870
352. Tiedot
A rudimentary implementation of a basic document (NoSQL) database in Go
353. Go Web Foundation
《Go Web 基础》是一套针对 Google 出品的 Go 语言的视频语音教程,主要面向完成《Go 编程基础》教程后希望进一步了解有关 Go Web 开发的学习者。
354. Aws Lambda Go
Libraries, samples and tools to help Go developers develop AWS Lambda functions.
✭ 2,817
355. Swarmkit
A toolkit for orchestrating distributed systems at any scale. It includes primitives for node discovery, raft-based consensus, task scheduling and more.
✭ 2,711
356. Log Shuttle
HTTP log transport.
✭ 237
357. Botbot Bot
The IRC bot for
✭ 237
358. Config
JSON or YAML configuration wrapper with convenient access methods.
359. Dogo
Monitoring changes in the source file and automatically compile and run (restart).
360. Gofana
Standalone Grafana Server With SSL and Auth
✭ 237
361. Cf Deployment
The canonical open source deployment manifest for Cloud Foundry
✭ 237
362. Bitfinex Api Go
BITFINEX Go trading API - Bitcoin, Litecoin, and Ether exchange
✭ 237
363. Goyesql
Go + Yesql
✭ 237
364. Go Ldap Client
Simple ldap client to authenticate, retrieve basic information and groups for a user.
✭ 237
365. Go Xmpp
Native Go XMPP library
366. Go Observable
It allows you to send and receive events with a tiny simple API
✭ 237
367. Vendetta
A minimal tool for managing golang project dependencies as submodules
✭ 237
368. Sse
Server Sent Events server and client for Golang
✭ 238
369. Dot Github
.github directory generator
370. Yivnet
Yivnet is a microservice game server base on go-kit
371. Gocialite
Social oAuth login in Go has never been so easy
372. Spotctl
A command-line interface to Spotify, written in Go
373. Kubesquash
A debugger for Kubernetes applications.
✭ 237
374. Sec check
Cross platform security detection tool
✭ 237
375. Tangalanga
Tangalanga: the Zoom conference scanner hacking tool
376. Go Reflect
Zero-allocation reflection library for Go
377. Openrtb
OpenRTB protocol defintions for Go
✭ 236
378. Xhandler
XHandler is a bridge between net/context and http.Handler
✭ 236
379. Box
A mruby-based Builder for Docker Images
380. Lottip
Simple MySQL proxy for query logging with web GUI
381. Merkletree
A Merkle Tree implementation written in Go.
382. Nexus Cli
Nexus CLI for Docker Registry v2 🐳
383. Ecs Deploy
ecs-deploy is a continuous deployment platform for AWS ECS. It automates deploys based a simple json/yaml file which can be integrated in your CI/CD
384. Gocho
A local area network file-sharing application with nodes auto-discovery
✭ 236
385. Iotwifi
Raspberry Pi (arm) wifi configuration container. Configure and control wifi connectivity with a JSON based REST api.
386. Go Expect
an expect-like golang library to automate control of terminal or console based programs.
387. Kraken
Cross-platform Yara scanner written in Go
✭ 234
388. Novel
✭ 236
389. Ketall
Like `kubectl get all`, but get really all resources
390. Go2sky
Distributed tracing and monitor SDK in Go for Apache SkyWalking APM
391. Jwt
Safe, simple and fast JSON Web Tokens for Go
392. Go Jwt Postgres Mysql Restful Api
This is an API built with golang, jwt, gorm, postgresql, mysql
✭ 235
393. Lokomotive
Lokomotive is a 100% open-source, easy to use and secure Kubernetes distribution from the volks at Kinvolk
394. Gogit
Pure Go read access of a Git repository
✭ 235
395. Beego Blog
ulricqin's blog use beego framework
✭ 234
396. Esbulk
Bulk indexing command line tool for elasticsearch
397. Xls
Pure Golang xls library
✭ 235
398. Azure Event Hubs
☁️ Cloud-scale telemetry ingestion from any stream of data with Azure Event Hubs
399. Go Httpd
How to organise a Go HTTP service
✭ 235