Top 139323 python open source projects

551. Vagrant Django Template
Skeleton project for a Django app running under Vagrant
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552. Wxpython
Python GUI programming examples
553. Virtaal
Easy-to-use and powerful offline translation tool
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554. Adminscripts
Miscellaneous scripts for mac admins
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555. Demjson
Python module for JSON data encoding, including jsonlint. See the project Wiki here on Github. Also read the README at the bottom of this page, or the project homepage at
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556. Djorm Ext Pgfulltext
PostgreSQL full-text search integration with django orm.
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557. Alfred Datetime Format Converter
Alfred 2 workflow for converting between timestamps and formatted datetime strings with ease.
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558. Termius Cli
CLI for the ssh client Termius
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559. Windbglib
Public repository for windbglib, a wrapper around pykd.pyd (for Windbg), used by
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560. Aioamqp
AMQP implementation using asyncio
561. Yahmm
Yet Another Hidden Markov Model repository.
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562. Rendler
A rendering web crawler for Apache Mesos.
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563. Pvdm
📚 Implementation of Q.V. Le, and T. Mikolov, "Distributed Representations of Sentences and Documents ICML", 2014.
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564. Dwebsocket
A websocket Protocol for django
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565. Dota2api
Wrapper and parser
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566. Chempy
⚗ A package useful for chemistry written in Python
567. Conceptualsearch
Train a Word2Vec model or LSA model, and Implement Conceptual Search\Semantic Search in Solr\Lucene - Simon Hughes, Dice Tech Jobs
568. Ssai Cnn
Semantic Segmentation for Aerial / Satellite Images with Convolutional Neural Networks including an unofficial implementation of Volodymyr Mnih's methods
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569. Django Micro
Django as a microframework
570. Dirbrute
多线程WEB目录爆破工具 [Multi-thread WEB directory blasting tool(with dics inside) ]
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571. Django By Example Book
Code for the book Django By Example
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572. Snmpsim
SNMP Simulator
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573. Spider
Wandering Spider
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574. Saspy
A Python interface module to the SAS System. It works with Linux, Windows, and mainframe SAS. It supports the sas_kernel project (a Jupyter Notebook kernel for SAS) or can be used on its own.
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575. J.a.r.v.i.s
A personal assistant with simple, rudimentary AI
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576. Snapper
A security tool for grabbing screenshots of many web hosts
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577. Markdownlivepreview
A Sublime Text 3 plugin to preview your markdown as you type
578. Slack Python Onboarding Tutorial
a simple python onboarding bot and tutorial for Slack
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579. Sequence Labeler
Neural network sequence labeling model
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580. Goreviewpartner
A tool to help analyse and review your game of go (weiqi, baduk) using strong bots.
581. Tensorflow novelist
582. Pygame Menu
Menu for pygame. Simple, lightweight and easy to use
583. Pycrate
A Python library to ease the development of encoders and decoders for various protocols and file formats; contains ASN.1 and CSN.1 compilers.
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584. Sh00t
Security Testing is not as simple as right click > Scan. It's messy, a tough game. What if you had missed to test just that one thing and had to regret later? Sh00t is a highly customizable, intelligent platform that understands the life of bug hunters and emphasizes on manual security testing.
585. Pytorch Batch Attention Seq2seq
PyTorch implementation of batched bi-RNN encoder and attention-decoder.
586. Tf Sndcgan
Tensorflow Implementation of the paper "Spectral Normalization for Generative Adversarial Networks" (ICML 2017 workshop)
587. Recommendationsystem
Book recommender system using collaborative filtering based on Spark
588. Aws Config Engine For Compliance As Code
Manage AWS Config Rules at scale in AWS multi-account and/or multi-region environment; with fully configurable deployment (RuleSets) and analytics.
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590. Gemail Hack
python script for Hack gmail account brute force
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591. Osr Rover Code
Code that runs on the Open Source Rover
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592. Python 3 Object Oriented Programming Third Edition
Python 3 Object-Oriented Programming – Third Edition, published by Packt
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593. Vba2graph
Vba2Graph - Generate call graphs from VBA code, for easier analysis of malicious documents.
594. Dfl Cnn
This is a pytorch re-implementation of Learning a Discriminative Filter Bank Within a CNN for Fine-Grained Recognition
595. Blender Cli Rendering
Python scripts for rendering images using Blender 2.83 from command-line interface
596. Continual Learning Benchmark
Evaluate three types of task shifting with popular continual learning algorithms.
598. Full Stack Fastapi Couchbase
Full stack, modern web application generator. Using FastAPI, Couchbase as database, Docker, automatic HTTPS and more.
599. Cloud Code Samples
Code templates to make working with Kubernetes feel like editing and debugging local code.
600. Mobilenetv3 Pytorch
Implementing Searching for MobileNetV3 paper using Pytorch
551-600 of 139323 python projects