Top 350 Sass open source projects

201. react-object-table
React powered table of objects, designed to be editable and fast.
202. roleypoly-v1
discord bot/web ui for when your self-assignable roles are out of hand
203. poke
Pokemon Red gameboy game lookalike with redux & react-pixi
204. FsharpChess
Chess with an F# domain engine and a simple WPF UI.
206. sun-valley
UI port of Windows 11 to the web
207. website
Bitcoin Core PR Review club website
web frontend for generating ebooks from fanfic
210. website
Taiwan Gold Card Community website
212. ng2-tooltip-directive
The tooltip is a pop-up tip that appears when you hover over an item or click on it.
213. hugo-netlify-starter
Static website template for CNCF projects
214. group inou-EYE
tool for making group_inou "EYE"
215. just-scroll
Simple indicate the possibility of scrolling on a page with СSS3 animation.
Kata Containers website repo
217. quasar-shopping
Free and Open source eCommerce UI template written in Vue.js/Quasar
Website repo for
220. drupalgeddon
Examples of common attack vectors and defenses against the drupalgeddon SQL injection vulnerability
221. ispinner
Pure CSS spinner like iOS UIActivityIndicatorView
222. chappe
🧑‍💻 Developer Docs builder. Write guides in Markdown and references in API Blueprint. Comes with a built-in search engine.
224. ehr-blockchain
Electronic Health Record (EHR) and Electronic Medical Record (EMR) systems. However, they still face some issues regarding the security of medical records, user ownership of data, data integrity etc. The solution to these issues could be the use of a novel technology, i.e., Blockchain. This technology offers to provide a secure, temper-proof pl…
225. railsgirls-london
The main site and assets of Rails Girls London website
No description, website, or topics provided.
228. mulukhiya-toot-proxy
230. Moosync
A simple music player capable of playing local audio or from Youtube or Spotify
231. unpoly-demo
No description, website, or topics provided.
232. xiaohanyu
Real source code for my website.
233. OpenDK
No description, website, or topics provided.
236. boomerang
Boomerang is a JavaScript widget that gives users a way back to Heroku from Addon provider sites.
237. zola-sam
🌐 A Simple and Minimalist theme with a focus on typography and content.
239. reing
240. fortify
Fortify enables web applications to use smart cards, local certificate stores and do certificate enrollment. This is the desktop application repository.
241. NightWolfTheme
🐺 Night Wolf, VsCode Theme by Mao
243. fabrication-site
This project has moved to GitLab! Please check there for the latest updates.
246. readmelater
Bookmark with a snooze button. Bookmark, buffer and complete your reading list.
248. covid19br-pub
Projeto de monitoramento de publicações oficiais relacionadas a COVID-19 no Brasil.
249. Symphonia-FE
🎼 This project aims to mimic the Front end part of Spotify web player using Vue js.
201-250 of 350 Sass projects