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Top 151 isomorphic open source projects

React Isomorphic Video Game Search
An Isomorphic application demo powered by React, reflux, react-router-component, express, superagent and the Giant Bomb API.
🎯 SSR first, lightweight 1kB JSX library.
Universal React
A universal react starter, with routing, meta, title, and data features
Isomorphic Relay
Adds server side rendering support to React Relay
Use Ssr
☯️ React hook to determine if you are on the server, browser, or react native
Routing for Clojure & ClojureScript
Universal React Router4
Demo app showing how to use react-router v4 for server- and client-side rendering
Hapi Universal Redux
DEPRECATED: Create an universal React and Redux app in less than 5 minutes!
Isomorphic Ws
Isomorphic implementation of WebSocket (
Beautifully reactive, server-side rendered Svelte apps w/ a Crystal backend
JavaScript client and server side transport API based on WebRTC & WebSocket
React Pages
A complete solution for building a React/Redux application: routing, page preloading, (optional) server-side rendering, asynchronous HTTP requests, document metadata, etc.
Yve Bot
Smart rule-based bot. For Browser & Node.
Express Es6 Template Engine
Rendering engine for Express that uses ES6 javascript string templates as syntax.
a micro middleware router for isomorphic javaScript web apps
Nextjs Dynamic Routes
[Deprecated] Super simple way to create dynamic routes with Next.js
Style It
Component for writing plaintext CSS in React apps -- isomorphic, scoped, FOUC-free, fully featured, CSS-in-JS
Isomorphic Relay Router
Adds server side rendering support to react-router-relay
Facebook Js Ads Sdk
React Drag Drawer
A responsive mobile drawer that is draggable on mobile, and falls back to a modal on desktop
Egg React Ssr
最小而美的Egg + React + SSR 服务端渲染应用骨架,同时支持JS和TS
A declarative, HTML-based language that makes building web apps fun
✨ Create server-rendered universal JavaScript applications with no configuration
Fetch Plus
🐕 Fetch+ is a convenient Fetch API replacement with first-class middleware support.
React Redux Boilerplate
It is a boilerplate of React-Redux as the infrastructure, which helps to setup a Web APP quickly
beautifully simple isomorphic routing for React projects
Build universal JS applications with Riot.JS
Mithril Isomorphic Example
Example of an isomorphic mithril application
Extension for AutoRest ( that generates TypeScript code. The transpiled javascript code is isomorphic. It can be run in browser and in node.js environment.
Oh My Fullstack
🚀 Full stack web application skeleton (Next.js, Redux, RxJS, Immutable, Express)
Declarative data validations.
Preact Redux Isomorphic
preact-redux-isomorphic PWA SPA SSR best practices and libraries in under 80kB page size (for live demo click the link below)
Webpack Isomorphic Tools
Server-side rendering for your Webpack-built applications (e.g. React)
nivo provides a rich set of dataviz components, built on top of the awesome d3 and React libraries
Require server-side modules from the browser, remotely.
Danf is a Node.js full-stack isomorphic OOP framework allowing to code the same way on both client and server sides. It helps you to make deep architectures and handle asynchronous flows in order to help in producing scalable, maintainable, testable and performant applications.
Cross Fetch
Universal WHATWG Fetch API for Node, Browsers and React Native.
Universal React Demo
ES6 demo of a simple but scalable React app with react-router, code splitting, server side rendering, and tree shaking.
Building the future of tech jobs search
Universal "JSON Web Almost Everything" - JWA, JWS, JWE, JWT, JWK with no dependencies
Ansi Escape Sequences
A simple, isomorphic library containing all known terminal ansi escape codes and sequences.
1-60 of 151 isomorphic projects