VuebaseBuilding Vuebase : a Firebase-like theme : built with Vue and Vuetify (
Jeffrey Way ThemeJeffrey Way's theme on Laracasts. Example:
Materialnavigationview Android📱 Android Library to implement Rich, Beautiful, Stylish 😍 Material Navigation View for your project with Material Design Guidelines. Easy to use.
MaterialdrawerThe flexible, easy to use, all in one drawer library for your Android project. Now brand new with material 2 design.
Material ThemeMaterial Theme, the most epic theme for Sublime Text 3 by Mattia Astorino
MaterialNew Material —— A Material Design Theme for Typecho
ChromaterialChroMATERIAL is an IntelliJ Platform coloring scheme that expresses the chromatic nature of Material Design within IntelliJ and Android Studio. It is intended to highlight the most import aspects of your code.
Android Multi Theme UiAndroid multi theme UI implementation with day night mode. This repository cover theme changes at runtime, user can select theme from pre-defined multiple themes and changes reflect dynamically on the go.
IbackdropA library to simply use Backdrop in your project (make it easy). Read more ->
SkywalkerA material design theme for ghost blog 🙈🌈🍇
TimberxMaterial theme music player that works across all form factors (phones, wear, auto, cast, assistant) and uses latest tools (Kotlin, Architecture components, Room, Databinding)
Vuetify🐉 Material Component Framework for Vue
Wi PwnESP8266 Deauther with a material design WebUI 📶
Ngx AdminCustomizable admin dashboard template based on Angular 10+
Alertdialogpro[Deprecated] This project can make it easy to theme and custom Android's dialog. Also provides Holo and Material themes for old devices.
Svelte MaterialifyA Material UI Design Component library for Svelte heavily inspired by vuetify.
Cdk AdminAngular 6 admin panel using angular material & angular flex.
QuasarQuasar Framework - Build high-performance VueJS user interfaces in record time
Night Owl JetbrainsNight owl theme / colour scheme for IntelliJ and Webstorm (or other Jetbrains IDEs). Includes dark and light mode 🌓
Material Kit ReactReact Dashboard made with Material UI’s components. Our pro template contains features like TypeScript version, authentication system with Firebase and Auth0 plus many other
uv-indexThis is a work-in-progress (🔧️) ultraviolet index viewer app for demonstrating Instant Apps + Kotlin + Dagger + MVP
material🎨 Materialize your forum with this Flarum extension that uses the latest guidelines.
dotfilesThis is a dotfiles repository created and maintained by @erdaltsksn. It contains a collection of `.files`.