Top 911 Starlark open source projects

301. Raman-TheVisionBot
Humaniod Robot with abilities of foveated vision and object recognition
303. app
Meth browser client application
304. react-native-nordic-dfu
Nordic Device Firmware Update for React Native
305. Bazel-learning-paths
Bazel training materials and codelabs focused on beginner, advanced and contributor learning paths
306. cert-manager
Automatically provision and manage TLS certificates in Kubernetes
Home of react-native app for managing Netlify sites and deployments
308. LyteFyba
A Battery Management System for lithium ion batteries in electric vehicles and buildings
309. distributed point functions
An Implementation of Incremental Distributed Point Functions in C++
310. gnoi
gRPC Network Operations Interface (gNOI) defines a set of gRPC-based microservices for executing operational commands on network devices.
311. react-native-password-strength-meter
A highly customisable password strength meter implementation with minimal dependencies.
312. my-first-realm-app
ToDo demo app using Realm and Realm Object Server to synchronize tasks.
313. slider
React-Native and React-Native-Web compatible slider
314. amazon-ray
Staging area for ongoing enhancements to Ray focused on improving integration with AWS and other Amazon technologies.
316. booster
Site: Documentation:
318. react-native-ux-cam
No description, website, or topics provided.
319. reagent-react-native
Example App using reagent with react-native via shadow-cljs
321. cpp tour
A tour of C++ constructs using Bazel build system
322. drizzle-react-native-box
This box is to help get you started with building dapps with Drizzle on React Native.
324. SeekReactNative
Seek v2, built with React Native for Android and iOS
325. ReactNativeWithSwiftUITutorial
Supportive material for the tutorial about React Native and SwiftUI
331. marvel-heroes
A ideia do aplicativo é apresentar personagens do universo Marvel, em uma interface simples, elegante e com alto padrão.
332. react-native-xupdate
A React-Native plugin for XUpdate(Android Version Update Library)
333. react-native-android-image-cropper
Image Cropping Library for Reac-Native Android, optimized for Camera / Gallery.
334. rules license
No description, website, or topics provided.
335. react-native-marketingcloudsdk
The Official ReactNative Plugin for the Marketing Cloud MobilePush SDK.
337. react-native-sns-share
339. rules hugo
Bazel build rules for hugo static website generator
341. faster-fifo
Faster alternative to Python's multiprocessing.Queue (IPC FIFO queue)
343. argo-tunnel-examples
No description, website, or topics provided.
344. mlir-hlo
No description, website, or topics provided.
346. React-Native-Chat-App
A simple chatting app built with React Native,, ExpressJS and MongoDB. The server app provides APIs for authentication, message sending and receiving. In the client app React-Native-Gifted-Chat is used for the chat interface.
348. launchpad
No description, website, or topics provided.
349. build-tools
Collection of build & test tools shared by various Weaveworks projects
350. FXdiv
C99/C++ header-only library for division via fixed-point multiplication by inverse
301-350 of 911 Starlark projects