Recently analyzed open source projects

Code for NeurIPS 2019 paper "Hierarchical Optimal Transport for Document Representation"
✭ 53
tcframe (ia-toki)
Test cases generation framework for competitive programming problems
HIMUServer (ianovir)
HIMUServer is a server-side solution for the app HyperIMU
FlutterBackdrop (iampawan)
Demo of how to make a backdrop widget with a front and back panel.
react-native-hyperscript (hyperhype)
🍺 hyperscript syntax for React Native
react-research (hydrateio)
React design system and UI builder research for Hydrate.
✭ 25
Index (H-Viewer-Sites)
All sites for H-Viewer
✭ 173
gifs (hunterlong) API golang package to create Gifs from youtube, vimeo, remote mp4 and more!
playfuljs-demos (hunterloftis)
No description, website, or topics provided.
✭ 657
electron-pos-printer (Hubertformin)
Electron-pos-printer is a plugin that works to ease paper formatting and printing to thermal printers. it currently supports 80mm, 78mm, 76mm, 58mm, 57mm and 44mm printers thermal printers. it is built with Electron.js and Node.js
caffe (houkai)
add CTCLoss, CTCDecoder, Transpose and ProposalLayer (CPU and GPU version)
whsniff (homewsn)
Whsniff is a command line utility that interfaces TI CC2531 USB dongle with Wireshark for capturing and displaying IEEE 802.15.4 traffic at 2.4 GHz.
✭ 114
alarming (hlidskialf)
Enhanced Android Alarm Clock
✭ 16
ktor-mongodb-backend (hi-manshu)
It is a repository containing backend structure for Ktor.
✭ 56
hiki (hiki)
Hiki is a powerful and fast wiki clone written in Ruby.
cp_ios (highfidelity)
Coffee & Power's iOS app (created on Worklist)
GoogleSearchMaterialDesignConcept (HiFIi)
Why do all my repos have such long names?
✭ 19
hopperScripts (hexploitable)
A collection of custom scripts for use with Hopper disassembler
✭ 23
contracts (hermeznetwork)
Hermez network protocol smart contracts
devrel-workshops (heremaps)
Workshop in-a-box for developer events such as conferences, meetups, and hackathons.
mpreact (hellopao)
react like framework for wechat mini program
EcoEvoLinks (helixcn)
Links for Ecology and Evolution
✭ 22
vue-picture-preview (heikaimu)
vue picture preview, picture wall, picture manage
MilkVRLauncher (heavykick)
A simple Andoid App that grabs a link and sends it to MilkVR.
✭ 32
9TAG (haxxorsid)
AutoTag script for 9gag. You can inject it using Tampermoney or Greasemonkey.
Spiderpig (hatlord)
A document metadata spider.
✭ 56
xgh-headers (haskellcamargo)
Headers for "eXtreme Go Horse" projects
✭ 43
horizon (hashicorp)
Location Independent Routing Mesh
✭ 91
Medium_Scraper (harrisonjansma)
The Selenium scraper that collected a million stories from
✭ 65
leetcode-DailyProblem (hanlaoshi)
This repo is mainly about learning leetcode subject
turnpike (hakanensari)
A Redis-backed FIFO queue
✭ 11
GoogleMap_Overlay_Rayshader (h-a-graham)
A quick method for overlaying a Google Map satellite image on a 3D DEM using rayshader and ggmap packages.
✭ 26
Tinfour (gwlucastrig)
Delaunay and Constrained Delaunay Triangulations in Java, providing high-performance utilities for modeling surfaces with support for Lidar LAS files, Digital Elevation Models (DEM), finite element analysis, path planning, natural neighbor interpolation, and other applications of Triangulated Irregular Networks (TIN)
api-server-standard (gunyarakun)
RESTful API server written in some programming languages.
clj-zipkin (guilespi)
Adds zipkin tracing instrumentation for Clojure applications
✭ 18
subarulink (G-Two)
A python package for interacting with Subaru STARLINK remote vehicle services.
sublime-text-darcula-theme (gtrght)
Sublime Text 3 theme based on IntelliJ Darcula
✭ 16
tesla-api (gstark)
Ruby implementation of the Tesla HTTP API
✭ 23
SwiftMC (GroupeMINASTE)
A Minecraft server and proxy written from scratch in Swift.
teapot (greylocklabs)
Utilities for working with HTTP status codes, errors, and more
eleventy-load (gregives)
Resolve dependencies and post-process files in your Eleventy project
django-lazy-tags (grantmcconnaughey)
A Django app for easily loading template tags via AJAX.
dotfiles (Grafikart)
Personnal dotfiles to make new servers feel like home
github-app-example (gr2m)
No description, website, or topics provided.
✭ 60
island (GoldL)
基于Node.js Koa2开发微信小程序服务端
✭ 30
Profiles (golbiga)
OS X configuration profiles
✭ 54
revel-mgo (goinggo)
Sample revel project with mgo support
✭ 30
chronobit (goblin)
A secure timestamper using P2Pool
✭ 19
esifycss (gjbkz)
Generates ES modules from CSS
foundry-5e-monster-maker (giffyglyph)
A D&D 5e monster maker module for the Foundry VTT. Build new monsters with level-appropriate, balanced stats in seconds. (GiantVM)
No description, website, or topics provided.
CFD (gforsyth)
Python implementation of simple CFD schemes
✭ 39
gocn (georgehao)
ofxAbletonLive (genekogan)
addon for openFrameworks for controlling Ableton Live
saber-theme-paper (geekplux)
A simple theme like read on a paper.
PhoneCloud-Java (geeeeeeeek)
✭ 19
gohn (gedex)
Hacker News in the terminal
✭ 25
MachineLearning (GarryLau)
Algorithms about Machine Learning
MetricsDiscoveryHelper (GameTechDev)
A wrapper for Intel(R) MetricsDiscovery API that simplifies some common tasks and provides a more unified interface across different graphics APIs.
✭ 19
blur-shaders (GameMakerDiscord)
A collection of blur shader examples, with a written tutorial.
Arduino_3dprinted_Lunar_Phase_Clock (G4lile0)
No description, website, or topics provided.
✭ 24
fusionauth-install (FusionAuth)
FusionAuth simple install scripts. Copy, Paste, Code.
stacked_generalization (fukatani)
Library for machine learning stacking generalization.
react-preload (fubhy)
Preload a React component tree in the background before rendering it.
Controle-de-Estoque-em-PHP (ftptiago)
Este código é referente ao tutorial desenvolvido no canal Fabricio Paixão no YouTube.
zzarchive-FSharp.Interop.ComProvider (fsprojects-archive)
F# type provider for COM interop.
✭ 41
node-azure-media (fritzy)
No description, website, or topics provided.
✭ 16
wikidata (freearhey)
A PHP client for working with Wikidata API.
statistic_ml (FrankHui)
✭ 57
OnsenUI-YouTube (frandiox)
Example jukebox app made with Onsen UI, AngularJS and Youtube API
short-url (fovegage)
synopsys-caffe (foss-for-synopsys-dwc-arc-processors)
Additions and patches to Caffe framework for use with Synopsys DesignWare EV Family of Processors
The_Complete_JavaScript_Course (formidablae)
The Complete JavaScript Course
sfdx-plugin-generate (forcedotcom)
No description, website, or topics provided.
developer-hub (fluree)
A repository showcasing Fluree-backed demos
✭ 27
raabro (floraison)
a Ruby PEG parser library
docker-hadoop (flokkr)
Docker image for main Apache Hadoop components (Yarn/Hdfs)
rust-dpdk (flier)
Rust bindings to DPDK
✭ 73
coreos-overlay (flatcar-linux)
package build scripts for Flatcar Container Linux, with custom overlay on kinvolk/portage-stable
UnityHDRPSimpleWater (flamacore)
Simple water shader prepared with ShaderGraph in Unity 2018.3.6
✭ 295
OpenCvSharp-UWP (Firifire)
C# Wrapper of OpenCV for UWP applications
dotenvy (fireproofsocks)
An Elixir port of the Ruby dotenv package
Single-Image-Dehazing-Four-Methods (FighterNan)
On the one hand, this project used two classic algorithm of contrast enhancement, homomorphic filtering and contrast limited adaptive histogram equalization to accomplish the task of image dehazing. On the other hand, from the perspective of degradation model, this project used two methods based on Dark Channel Prior algorithm.
✭ 38
Top-Laravel-Interview-Questions-Wiki (fgitpush)
Top Laravel Interview Questions & Answers
✭ 117
campies (fgimian)
Determines your Mac model and downloads the appropriate BootCamp package for you.
fis3-hook-module (fex-team)
fis3 模块化开发支持!
✭ 17
DZ-Pharma-Data (fennecinspace)
Medications data for +4800 drugs sold in Algeria and their labs
601-700 recently analyzed projects