All Git Users → Mindinventory

32 open source projects by Mindinventory

1. Golang Project Structure
Golang Skeleton with fully version managed
2. Overlap Image Gallery View
OverlapImageGalleryView with different animations. Sample for android mobile application.
5. Swiftui Sample App
This swiftUI Demo is very simple & easy to understand. This swiftUI demo includes On-boarding screens, login screen, forgot password screen, sign up screen, home & logout.
6. Bubblecollectionviewlayout
Create bubble layout of UICollectionView using custom layout
8. Golang Payu
Golang Payu Integration
9. Golang Paytm
Quick Paytm Integration using Golang
12. Floatingtextfield
FloatingTextField is the simplest way to use custom textField with an animation placeholder. Secure textField, You can set the Left & Right image also can handle image left/right image click for any action.
14. Flutter Review Page Interaction
Implementation of this review page interaction with Flutter
15. LinkedInLogin
Simple way to implement LinkedIn social login in android app
17. vanilla-place-picker
Simple(vanilla) yet 'Do it all' place picker for your place picking needs in Android
20. Walk-Through-Screen
This library provides easy ways to add onboarding or pager screens with different animation and indicators.
21. GenerateDynamicCustomForm
You can generate a dynamic form view in a few minutes for a signup, add a record. Creating a form is very easy.
22. SwiftUI-App
This swiftUI Demo is very simple & easy to understand. This swiftUI demo includes On-boarding screens, login screen, forgot password screen, sign up screen, home & logout.
24. flutter draggable gridview
This package supports drag & drop widgets inside the GridView.builder for multiplatform. It provides all the properties which are available in Gridview. builder and easy to implement with the few lines of code.
26. GenericLocalPersistence
GenericLocalPersistence is a clean and easy-to-use code that is useful for integrating local storage like UserDefaults, PList, Keychain.
27. Flower-App-Jetpack-Compose
This sample is created to elaborate this article, it contains the UI of the flower app from our dribble collection
28. iOS-Geofence-Demo
Setup Geofences and get notifications when the device enters or leaves the geofence.
30. React-Native-top-navbar
This reactnative package provides custom header component for mobile apps. also providing utility method to change statusbar color.
1-32 of 32 user projects